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Fall 2010 830 101 Dr Gary Brill s General Psychology Syllabus for Section R3 Section Instructor Julia West Email westja eden rutgers edu Phone 267 935 9029 Office Hours TBA Section meeting times check your webreg course schedule for your section R3 Date Time Mondays 12 15 PM 1 10 Location Lucy Stone Hall B112 Livingston Campus General Information Welcome to your recitation section of Dr Brill s General Psychology course I along with Dr Brill and 2 other section instructors form the entire instructional team for this course of General Psychology The grades you earn for the work you do in my section will comprise 40 of your total grade in General Psychology The work you do for Dr Brill exams and other points described in his syllabus will form the remaining 60 of your General Psychology course grade I will be using Sakai frequently in my sections so please check the site frequently for announcements updates required readings and other activities Feel free to ask me questions before the class begins during class or immediately after class You may also send me email but I may not answer email questions if the questions have already been answered in class on Dr Brill s course web page on Sakai or in the Announcements section on the section Sakai web site Minute papers In class group outlines presentations 34 During half of our remaining class meetings I will pose a question that requires a written response from each of you I call these minute papers in that I will expect that you write them as you would write a paper with a topic sentence supporting evidence and a concluding sentence but in an abbreviated form Students have requested that these minute papers be more concept related so they may be used more directly as study tools and knowledge checks throughout the semester I appreciate and agree with these new suggestions and therefore the remaining minute papers will all be concept based and taken from material in recent lectures and or assigned readings These minute papers will be written and turned in during class that is if you are not in class you will miss the opportunity to do the exercise and earn these points For exceptions to this rule see attendance policy on the syllabus I will review these minute papers make suggestions pertaining both to content and to writing structure and return them to you for your revision Once you receive your revisions on each minute paper you will need to bring a revised form of the paper to the next section meeting Each minute paper in a revised form that adequately meets the grading rubric will be worth 2 points Approximately every other section meeting you will NOT have an in class minute paper but rather you will complete an in class group outline presentation Essentially I will assign you to a group of 3 5 students and assign that particular group a recent lesson module from the textbook Each group will have the first half of class to complete an outline of the module and a take home summary statement written in formal English and approximately 2 3 paragraphs in length In the second half of class each group will teach their assigned module to the class relying on their outline and summary statement as teaching tools One member of the group will be responsible for typing the outline and summary statement and emailing it to me westja eden rutgers edu Alternatively one person may choose to bring a laptop to class and type the outline and summary statement during class so the documents would only need to be emailed to me after class I will review both the outline and summary statement make corrections if necessary and may require revision Ultimately when the information in the outlines and summary statements is deemed to be correct and thorough I will post the outlines and summary statements on the Sakai site for your section mates use in studying I will monitor and keep a record of each group member s contribution to both the outline and the summary statement and make sure that each individual is rotating tasks such that the same person does not always write the summary statement or the outline during these projects Each group member will be evaluated on their contributions to group work as well as on the quality of the group final product Each in class outline presentation including revisions and corrections made if necessary will be worth 4 points for each group member Mind Maps Flashcards 16 Our class will be utilizing software called FreeMind to create mind maps a type of study tool Your first assignment posted on Sakai and due the first day of class is to download FreeMind onto your laptop or PC and to watch a video tutorial on the basics of creating mind maps in FreeMind I encourage you to use FreeMind throughout the entire semester as you study each chapter Over the course of the semester I will require you to construct 6 mind maps that you will turn in to me for a grade Some students have requested that the mind maps assignment be changed to a flashcards assignment These students have mentioned that they utilized flashcards to study for the first exam but did not find the mind maps helpful I appreciate that everyone learns differently and wish to make this assignment more accommodating to those that may learn more efficiently from flashcards Therefore as indicated on the updated assignment calendar you may turn in EITHER 1 a mind map with no fewer than 20 nodes OR 2 no fewer than 15 flashcards Appropriate flashcards should include 1 a concept 2 a definition 3 an example or application of the concept and 4 any other pertinent information diagrams that would be useful to you in learning the concept The flashcards will need to be turned in IN CLASS as they will be on notecards which are not conducive to electronic submission Multiple Choice quizzes and writing MC questions 48 For each chapter in the text Take the online chapter quiz zes and email me the results by the Friday listed on the syllabus assignment calendar http www wadsworth com cgi wadsworth course products wp pl fid M20b product isbn issn 9780495102885 discipline number 24 token Choose the chapter and then Multiple Choice quiz tab on the left For each incorrect response go back and review that section in the text Choose one of your incorrect responses and IN YOUR OWN WORDS write a new multiple choice question on that topic complete with 4 possible multiple choice responses If you do not miss any responses on a quiz choose a topic from that chapter which you found difficult

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Rutgers PSYCHOLOGY 101 - Syllabus

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Chapter 1

Chapter 1

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