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Zara Mahmood Advertising Clark Chapter 12 Traditional Media Bacardi http www nytimes com 2013 11 18 business media bacardi focuses on resilience rather than rum html ref media r 1 Focusing on history of Bacardi rather than product features o Survived earthquake rebellion etc o History unlike other brands Brand run resilient brand overcome adversity must be good Growing trend to advertise away from product features o Branded content rather than product features Connecting to the target on a different level o More emotional o Family connection with history o Brand must be good enough to rebuild Lived through challenges Targeting new millennial age o Face high unemployment o Message to not give up keep fighting Kennedy Anniversary http www nytimes com 2013 11 20 business media ahead of anniversary brands promote all things kennedy html ref media r 0 National Geographic campaign for Kennedy anniversary Guerilla marketing nontraditional o Kennedy newsstands handing out old cigarettes and candy Benefits as a brand in the clutter o Brought them into the conversation Target audience Media has changed in past 50 years o Print radio television o 60 year olds still watching television who remember the incident Key Media Concepts The percentage of the media audience exposed at least once to the Reach advertiser s message during a specific time frame Frequency The number of times a person is exposed to an advertisement Newspaper Advertising Advantages and Limitations Advantages o Good for news announcements o Good market coverage o Good for comparison shopping o Positive consumer attitudes o Good to reach educated and affluent consumers o Flexibility geographic scheduling Zara Mahmood Advertising Clark Limitations o Short life span o Clutter o Limited reach for certain groups o Poor productive values Magazine Advertising Advantages and Limitations Advantages o High production value o Targets consumers interests specialized audiences o Receptive audience o Long life span o Format encourages creativity o Good for brand messages o Good for complex or in depth messages Limitations o Long lead times limited flexibility o Lack of immediacy Magazines take longer to go to print o High cost o Sometimes limited distribution Outdoor Advertising include transit Advantages and Limitations Advantages o Good situational medium o Directional o Brand reminder medium o High impact larger than life o Least expensive o Long life Limitations o Traffic moves quickly o Cant handle complex messages design must be simple o May be easy to miss depending on location o Some criticize outdoor ads for polluting the landscape o Transit lacks the size advantage of other outdoor media Packaging Advertising Advantages and Limitations Advantages o Stimulates point of purchase decision making o Last ad a consumer sees o In home is brand reminder on shelf o Billboarding effect can dominate shelf Zara Mahmood Advertising Clark o Reinforces brand advertising o Delivers product information Limitations o Cluttered environment o Shelf space may be limited o Can get inconvenient placement such as bottom shelf o Limited space needs simple message New Technology Affecting Programming and Distribution High Definition TV HDTV o People going to events less because tv quality for shoes games is so good Digital Video Recorders DVRs Interactive Television o Can use your remote to control Apple TV o Votes surveys chats Changes and Trends in Broadcast Advertising New forms of television advertising o Sponsorship o Product Placement o Advertiser controlled programming Battle for control over who will control digital TV technology between telecommunication industry and cable industry Video images on the internet New delivery methods like streaming web videos and cell phones Watching TV shows on the web TV becoming an increasingly fragmented medium Radio Advertising Advantages and Limitations Advantages o o o o Pervasiveness in most every home and car Reaches specialized target audience Reaches them at critical apertures morning and evening drive home Affordability o Offers high frequency music can be repeated more easily than other o o o o o Limitations o forms of advertising Flexible easy to change Good for local tie ins and promos Mental imagery can be highly engaging High level of acceptance not considered irritating Audience less likely to switch channels when ads come on Listener inattentiveness may just be on in the background o o o o Lack of visuals Clutter Scheduling and buying difficulties in local buys Lack of control talk show content is unpredictable and may be critical Zara Mahmood Advertising Clark Television Advertising Advantages and Limitations Advantages Limitations o Pervasiveness in most every home o High level of viewing o Reaches a mass national audience although can be targeted by programs o High impact has audio video motion music color high drama o Cost efficient o Clutter with cable there are a large number of channels o High production costs o Wasted reach People seeing the ad but it is not relevant for them o Inflexibility can t easily make last minute changes o Intrusiveness some audience resistance to advertising leads to zipping and zapping Movie Advertising Advantages and Limitations Advantages o Captive audience o No need for intrusiveness because audience cant do multi tasking o High impact Limitations o Audience resistance is high hates being a captive audience o Expensive needs high value production Product Placement Advertising Advantages and Limitations Advantages o Not as intrusive o If product fits the story line can be a naturalistic demonstration or testimony o Association with celebrities o Association with glitzy movie hopefully a well liked film Limitations o Can get lost in the story o Poor match between product and movie storyline o Movie turns out to be a dud

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