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Zara Mahmood Advertising Clark Chapter 10 Visual Communication Movember Mo Bros http www nytimes com 2013 11 04 business media Brands Align With the Mustachioed Month of Movember html ref media r 0 Way to get men involved into thinking about Men s health Awareness o Brought in population of guys o Made a statement to people in their world o Minimal requirement just don t shave Compassion fatigue stop caring about another crisis issue o Saturated with that message Trends o Movember o More men keep facial hair 60 o Guys are more involved with their facial hair than head hair How to attract guys towards their product o Just for men linking with a good cause o Capitalizing on grooming products Men care about their gray hairs Customize for facial hair market o Lighter approach to serious cause Using Visuals Effectively Grab attention words Stick in memory o Generally visuals are better at getting and keeping attention than o Visuals persist in the mind because people generally remember messages as visual fragments or key images that are filed easily in their minds Cementing belief o Seeing is believing as the IBM chick ad demonstrates Visuals that demonstrate add credibility to a message Tell interesting stories Communicate Quickly o Visual storytelling is engaging and maintains interest o Pictures tell stories faster than words o Picture communicates instantly while consumers have to decipher verbal written communication word by word Anchor Associations o To distinguish undifferentiated products with low inherent interest advertisers often link the product with visual associations representing lifestyles and types of users Print Layout and Design Zara Mahmood Advertising Clark Picture Window o Single dominant visual in the middle and border of space around it o Headline and copy block underneath visual o Logo or signature sign off message at the bottom All Art Non linear o Art fills the frame of the ad copy is embedded in picture o The entire page is the visual with a little copy o Don t necessarily have t read from left to right o Can be read starting at any point in the image o Direction of viewing is not ordered works better for young people Document Type All Copy o Have all copy not have a lot of visuals emphasize type over art o If it has art either embedded in copy or placed in subordinate o Uses a number of visuals of matched or proportional sizes o If ad has multiple panels of the same size it can look like a window position Panel or Grid pane Grunge o Rejection of design principles o Brand and message come across as not caring about traditional design and layout Broken up type face and layout Must be consistent with brand image Circus o Layout combines lots of elements art type color o Deliberately create a busy jumbled picture Layout Stages Thumbnail Sketches o Lots of ideas pick and choose which have potential Rough Layout o Still not sophisticated idea o A little more layout and font Semicomps o Taking it to further degrees for finish Background color Object colors Comprehensives o All color and font finalized o Drawn to size and used for presentation in house or to client Zara Mahmood Advertising Clark Mechanicals o Very finished product that client will sign off o Final changes made through client comments Final High Resolution Film Filming and Editing Copywriter o Writes the script Art Director o Develops the storyboard establishes the look of the commercial Weather realistic fanciful or stylized Producer can be agency staff member o Handles production Director o Responsible for filming taping Bidding All arrangements Specialists Casting talent Budget Scene length action how lines are spoken and characters played In TV determines camera setup and records the flow of action Composer Arranger o Writes original music and lyrics scene or copy line Editor o Orchestrates music for the instruments and voices to make it fit a o Assembles all the pieces including audio dialogue and video

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