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Zara Mahmood Advertising Clark Chapter 8 Creativity and Media Honey flavor category http www nytimes com 2013 10 16 business media marketers wax enthusiastic over bees and honey html ref media r 0 Growing interest in quality artisanal ingredients Honey associated with being healthy o Rise in tv culture and healthy eating o Foodie culture locally produced Shown in chapstick burts bees alcohol cars and cereals Fast food restaurants healthier options in fast food Frozen yogurt as opposed to ice cream Posting pictures of your food o Marketers taking advantage of foodie trend SWOT opportunity Honey Nut Cheerios Cereal Nelly song hiphop culture Use of hashtags with social media o Mascot character has twitter facebook Rewrite lyrics to remix Bringing mascot to life as a character Contemporary message for cereal brand Carve the Turkey http www nytimes com 2013 10 21 business media carve the turkey and pass the latkes as holidays converge html r 0 Positive name for Kosher foods Opportunity for Thanksgiving and Hannukka crossover o Capitalizing once in a lifetime event Specialized brand might not be frequently used o Narrow niche Opportunity larger audience by adding thanksgiving holiday o More outreach because it is a national event o New products because it is a bigger stage Cultural trends to take advantage of o Social media ecards and humor o More people using Kosher products foodie trend o Using bloggers credibility of testimonials from influencers SCIENCE AND ART Effective advertising is both an art in its creativity and a science in its strategy The logic behind the message Creative Strategy Creative Brief the evaluation of the creative strategy Provides direction for the execution of the Big Idea and for Zara Mahmood Advertising Clark Effective advertising is successful because right media delivers right message to right target audience at the right time Creative strategy is a problem solving process Who Are the Key Players All agencies have copywriters and art directors who develop the creative concept and craft the execution of the advertising idea Often work in teams hired and fired in teams work together for many years Creative Director manages the creative process and plays in important role in focusing the strategy of ads and making sure the creative concept is strategically on target Agency environment is particularly important Agencies are natural incubators in terms of the 3 Ps of innovation o Place Environment research focuses on areas of the agency office or workspace setting that impact creativity o Person Individual research provides insight into what makes o Process Output research focuses on the creative product the actual individuals creative campaign What Is the Role of Creativity Creative people are problem solvers Creativity needs to be consistent in all areas concerning the product Creativity is both a job description and a goal The Creative Brief Good marketing communication idea must be both creative and strategic Coming up with an idea that solves a communication problem in an original way o Creative Strategy o Creative Execution o Creative Brief What the advertisement says How it is said creative strategy and the key execution details Summarizes basic marketing and advertising strategy Prepared by account planner Gives direction to creative team members How are you going to execute a strategy Team effort o Account mgt brand planning creative authoring process o Media client provide input to the process What is a great creative brief o Focuses o In touch with the brand o Differentiating o Credible Zara Mahmood Advertising Clark o A catalyst or spring board for great work What is a creative brief NOT o A data dump o A research Report o A final product o A client s internal document Key points in a typical brief o Problem can be solve by communication o Target Audience and key insights into their attitudes and behavior o Brand Position and other branding decisions such as personality o Communication Objectives that specify the desired response to the message by the target audience o Proposition that will motivate the target to respond o Media Considerations about where and when the message should be and image delivered o Creative direction that provides suggestions on how to stimulate the desired consumer response Message Objectives Objective is to build or change demand for a brand Common advertising objectives tat relate to the most critical facets o See Hear create attention awareness interest recognition o Feel Touch emotions and create feelings o Thing Understand Deliver information aid understanding create recall trust o Connect Establish brand identity and associations transform a product into a brand with distinctive personality and image o Believe Change attitudes create conviction and preference stimulate o Act Do Stimulate trial purchase repurchase or some other form of action such as visiting a store or website Targeting decision is particularly important in planning a message strategy Targeting Branding and Positioning Demands of the brand are also important considerations Brand communication creates symbols and cues that make brands distinctive Brand Salience marketplace consumers are aware of it and the brand is important to its target market The brand is visible and has a presence in the Create trust buy brands because we have used them before o Trust them to deliver on their promise MESSAGE STRATEGIES Planners search for the best creative strategy approach that makes the most sense given the brand s marketing situation and the target audience s needs and interests Zara Mahmood Advertising Clark The Strategic Approach Simple ways to express a strategic approach Head or heart Hard or soft sell Head and Heart Facets model o Affective speaks to heart o Cognitive speaks to head Sometimes a strategy is designed to inform the mind while it touches emotions Hard Sell and create a response based on logic is an informational message that is designed to touch the mind o Target audience wants information and will make a rational product decision Uses emotional appeals or images to create a response based on Soft Sell attitudes moods and feelings o Target audience has little interest in an information search and will respond more favorably to a message that touches their emotions or presents an attractive brand image o Strategy can be used for hard products Must be careful too emotional can deter audience Advertising is a constant search for a new and

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