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MPC NOTES Citizen Journalism Nonprofessional untrained Writes and reports via Internet and submits it to legitimate news organizations Embedded Journalism reporters and photojournalists report from within the trenches war or with the people about whom they are reporting politics Blog Web Log maintained by individuals who have strong interest views and opinions about subjects they cover Hyper Local News Sites Local geographical area is covered Competes with local metro section of daily newspaper and local radio and TV news Backpack Journalists independent and works in field Gathers news shoots videos stills Jack of all trades Autonomy allows focus on investigate reporting International Media China inherited authoritarian communist model from the former Soviet Union Collision of editorial advertising PR latest development Russia Since Soviet Union collapse in 1991 media is still not totally free Many of the media are privately owned but not free of Government control Many newspapers sell article space to highest bidder called Zakazukha Middle eastern media Straddles fence between social responsibility and authoritarian media control Israel is a modern liberal democracy yet reporters are required to submit stories to government for approval on sensitive military issues Egypt and Jordan have opposition media Opposition media allowed to publish articles that call out the government not strict with articles Al Hayat is an Arabic newspaper published in London Al Jazeera satellite Channel African media Source of many examples of develop Theory of the press Developing nations need to control press in order to promote industry national identity and partnerships with neighboring countries

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KSU JMC 20001 - Lecture notes

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