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This is for a research paper for my Social Movements class I ask that you answer every question honestly You may answer them however you wish but the more detailed the better You may stop me at any time or refuse to answer any question Your comments may be anonymous if you choose Also I will not be responding to your answers with my own opinion You may ask me questions about my questions at any time Or in your case when we talk next Before we begin I need your Age Major Current occupation at this time 1 Do you consider yourself to be a supporter of stricter gun laws 2 Have you had any personal experience with guns 3 Do you own a gun or is there a gun kept in the house you live in 4 Would you ever be willing to shoot a gun Would you ever shoot a gun in the care of a certified and experienced instructor 5 Do you own your concealed weapons license or do you plan on getting it 6 Do you feel safe when you go out in public To class the mall etc or even when you re at home 7 Do you think that the requirements to own a gun are too strict too lenient or should be kept the same 8 In your mind what do you believe that guns symbolize 9 How do you think America compares to other countries when it comes to gun laws violence and weapons in general 10 Do you think the laws should be different for policemen agents or military servicemen 11 Do you believe that taking away gun rights is taking away constitutional rights 12 Do you believe that video games movies have an impact on people s thoughts about guns Do you believe that they promote violence 13 Do you believe that the news and the media have impacted your own opinions on guns 14 Do you think that environment is an influence to people who partake in violent acts 15 Do you think there s a way to educate future generations about gun violence and how do you think we can stop gun violence from these generations 16 Would you ever write letters to the government NSA or other or join groups in support of stricter gun laws 17 What do you think the future holds when it comes to guns and gun laws 18 How much do you know about the NRA and have you ever seen their advertisements 19 Do you know anything about the gun control movement and what it s trying to accomplish 20 Would you be willing to learn more about the gun control movement Do you have any more comments to add Thank you sooo much in advance Alexandra Zetlaoui criminology English waitress at Denny s 1 Yes 2 Only once I went to a shooting range before but nothing more than an hour of supervised gun shooting at a piece of paper from far away 3 No to both 4 I would shoot a gun at a shooting range or for self defense I guess Yes 5 Nope to both 6 Somewhat but my fears don t stem from gun control 7 Too lenient 8 A last defense When I think gun I think stand your ground 9 I think America loves to act as a global police force and instead of finding different alternative America always turns to war and violence and then blames it on everything and everyone else 10 11 I don t know The right to bear arms originally came from supporting the right of self defense and resistance to oppression but I feel like over time the right to bear arms has changed from its constitutional meaning so taking that right away would not take away the constitutional rights 12 No to both We watch shows that glorify violence Breaking Bad True Blood and Boardwalk Empire and we understand that they are a fictional world with a lot of violence the same way video games are fictional worlds with violence 13 The media gives a lot of attention to shooters and gunman s who commit mass murders which is part of the reason why I think gun laws should be stricter 14 I think nature and nurture both play an equally important part in whether or not someone will partake in violent acts 15 Yes In the 1990s Australia passed strict gun laws that outlawed semi automatic and only bought from government owners and they cracked down on sales and ownerships Since then there have been no mass shootings and the country s gun homicide is a slight fraction of the US We can learn from Australia and implement those policies hopefully in the future 16 Probably 17 I don t see much changing People want their guns 18 I haven t seen their advertisement and I do not know much about them 19 Nope to both 20 Probably

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