HLTH 377 Test 1 Notes September 10 2013 19 th Century Influences on Sexuality Dr Sylvester Graham Health problems caused by marital excess 1 oz of semen equal to 40 oz of blood Recommended that males ejaculate no more than 12 times a year He was a doctor so he had a major influence People thought sex was bad unless it was being used to become pregnant Founded health spa at Battle Creek Mich John Kellogg Believed in healthy diet Obsessed with bowel movements health Espoused abstinence Developed list to identify masturbators o List basically described adolescent males Negative views towards sex and no reference to females sexuality The worst sin during this time period was masturbation Dr William Acton Believed that women had little sexual feeling or interest Women should avoid spasmodic convulsions during sex Radical treatment for spermatorrhea People never returned for a second treatment Jugum penis 1880 1920 Contraption that they put on young boys while they were sleeping so they wouldn t get an erection Anti masturbation device 1871 1930 Device to prevent boys from masturbating Richard von Krafft Ebing German born psychiatrist Published first book to examine atypical sexual behavior sadism masochism fetishism Blamed masturbation for all sexual ills Sigmund Freud Austrian psychiatrist Presence and his ideas legitimized sexuality research Mature vs immature orgasm o Penetrative orgasm mature orgasm o Masturbation orgasm immature orgasm Henry Havelock Ellis English anthropologist He found that masturbation is a common practice Women s libido as strong as men s People were shocked by his findings Sexual orientation existed in degrees 20 th Century Influences on Sexuality Alfred Kinsey Biology professor Published Sexual Behavior in the Human Male 1948 His sample was too white too catholic and too western represented it only Sexual Behavior in the Human Female 1953 Findings not well received represented a part of the country Sixties influence on sexual behavior The Hunt Report 1975 Kinsey s data now 30 years old Hunt replicates Kinsey s study Many findings surprisingly similar Women are more likely to have an orgasm from masturbation than from penetrative Found that many women were not virgins when they got married Found that 1 in 4 girls had experienced sex as teenagers sex Shere Hite The Hite Report 1976 Examination of women s sexual behavior Extremely poor response rate 3 6 response rate o Not accurate because it is not enough results to be a good representation Implications Advent of pop psychology Masters Johnson 1966 Work was mostly don t in a lab Sexual response research Laboratory setting Developed sexual response model They had people arouse themselves or a partner arouse themselves in the lab and they record what happened Sex in America 1994 Need for current data on teen sexual behavior Social Behavioral Aspects of Fertility Related Behavior o Basically means sex but they couldn t write sex in the label o The government denied this study because they thought teens would be embarrassed to fill out the anonymous survey University of Chicago o University of Chicago said they would do this study but not use adolescents over 21 years old Legitimacy of findings o The survey was done by face to face interviews o Your grandmother was the one who interviewed you People probably did not give accurate answers because of this o Results Men had 6 sexual partners Married couples had the most sex 75 of married men claimed they were never unfaithful 54 of men think about sex daily and 19 of women think about sex daily People who masturbate the most have the most sex HIV AIDS time period Top of the table Teen pregnancy rates per 1000 o U S 49 o U K 31 o Canada 20 o France 9 o Sweden 7 o Holland 5 September 12 2013 Reproductive Anatomy Holland is the most liberal and they have the least pregnancies Socialized health insurance reduces pregnancies people need access to contraceptives Some people believe that by giving people access to contraceptives or giving out condoms is promoting sex Belief that if you talk about sex it encourages sex US doesn t have access to contraceptives US created most of the contraceptives and produces them but we don t use it Female Reproductive Anatomy GnRH Gonad releasing hormone ovaries FSH Follicle Stimulating Hormone LH Luteinizing hormone stimulates the ovaries to produce eggs Secondary Sex Characteristics Because of the shift in hormones there are physical changes Breasts develop Menstruation o 12 years 10 months is the average time to begin menstruation o Girls are beginning to mature at a younger age Weight is an issue Activity level Eating disorders Genetics Environmental pollution Estrogen levels in water Hair growth Body shape changes Psychological Changes Through puberty you believe you are the center of the universe Everything revolves around you Attitude toward parents changes Physical anatomy Clitoris Clitoral hood Perineum Bartolini gland Hymen o Unique feature is that its only function is sexual stimulation for pleasure o Facilitates sexual stimulation on clitoris and creates friction without clitoral hood sex is too painful because it provides a buffer from direct pressure from penis Women do not orgasm every time they have sex Labia majora labia minora o Vaginal lips o Space between vaginal orifice and anus the perineum is cut during child birth o No one knows o Does not provide lubrication in sexual response o Doesn t do a lot not really sure of the purpose people have different size hymens Vagina o Organ of sexual intercourse o Slopes back at a 45 degree angle o Birth canal o Way for sperm to get into the body to fertilize an egg o Acidic because you don t want infections Sperm die in acidic environments HPV present in most cases of cervical cancer More sexual partners you have the more likely you are to get HPV Cigarette smoking affects the maturity of cervical cells making them more vulnerable to getting HPV G Spot unclear if this actually exists PC muscles pubic coccygeal muscles if these muscles are toned it might make childbirth easier also might make more orgasms Fallopian tubes o Fimbria suck egg into fallopian tube cilia lead it Pelvic inflammatory Disease PID o Scar tissue forms blocking the egg o Fallopian tube needs to be removed but we have two fallopian tubes so it is okay Menstruation is the endometrium lining shedding Other issues o Premenstrual syndrome PMS Pains cramps Psychological problems o Breast self exam BSE Does it
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