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Greer Hunter Comm401 9am section March 12 2013 Outline Stylistic Analysis Obama s speech after Sandy Hook Shooting INTRO President Obama was prompted to speak after the Sandy Hook Elementary school shooting in Newtown CT shocked and terrified many families locally and around the nation The shooting put the debate over gun control legislation back on the hot topic list for America and its politicians President Obama spoke in a Newtown auditorium full of town locals and was broadcasted on major news channels He spoke to an audience across the country Constraints gun violence is political has yet to change gun control policy one month post second election four shootings during his presidency Resources gun violence is political power to change parent father large audience with agents of change influential person Exigency Grieving people who are confused whether or not to blame gun policies or mental illness for these terrifying random outbursts of violence Thesis President Obama s use of anaphora parallelism and tricolon help push his message that he is empathetic toward the victims and their families and the larger issue that the shooting raised Ex anaphora the fourth time we have come together the fourth time we ve hugged grieving community the fouth time we ve hugged The fourth time we ve consoled Ex parallelism and then there were the scenes of school children helping one another holding one another Ex tricolon there s only one thing we can be sure of and that is the love we have for our children four our families for each other Anaphora patterns are redundant They emphasize the significance of a point Above Obama highlights the fouth demonstrating how urgent the debate over gun control really is Parallelism adds a poetic sound to the speech It structures sentences nicely and pairs ideas together to help glue the speech together The tricolon pattern helps to show the audience how a certain concept applies in many different contexts Overall these patterns are styles of repetition is key in this piece of rhetoric because it helps the distracted audience hear the importance of the message that Newtown will be remembered for its lost loved ones and incredible heroes Repetition plays a unique role in this speech because it limits the breadth of the speech and helps President Obama reach depth for a subject so personal for some and so remote for others

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