Bush s Speech 04 02 2013 What rhetorical situation prompted Bush to speak October 7 2002 Rhetor constraints resources Constraints Resources A lot of people opposed to the war on terror Rhetorical memory of 9 11 Still hadn t found Bin Laden His pole numbers were relatively good Persuasive field Setting Cincinatti OH Audience Medium America the world Not all the networks carried the speech Fox news was the only channel that carried it Major claims in speech type Paragraph 5 Iraq poses a threat fact claim We need to act now policy cliam Supporting claims weapons of mass destruction chemical weapons What about data How does president Bush support his claims Paragraph 10 he lists facts about the threat that Iraq poses with all its chemical weapons All the people that they could potentially kill If we can save the Iraqis from Sadam Hussein we can improve their lives this is data that helps add up to the big major claim we need to act dramatically now Warrants What reasoning does President Bush use to connect his claims data Paragraph 40 analogy between Hussein Stalin the dictator of Iraq is a student of Stalin the axis of evil axis references the world powers during WWII Japan Germany Johnson speech Canvas discussion 04 02 2013 04 02 2013
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