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Proposition 8 The Musical 05 02 2013 Rhetorical situation originally published on funny or die in December 2008 Statewide vote referendum in the state of California that defined marriage only between a man and a woman went viral very quickly Video was published a month after propostion 8 was passed Exigency proposition 8 just passed problem for gay lesbians and supporters of gay marriage Problem for same sex couples in cali Constraints and resources o What are the noteworthy visual and musical characteristics Description o How did those visual and musical characteristics function in the light of the rhetorical situation interpretation Constraints resources within persuasive field How could proposition 8 have passed in a liberal state Californians having identity crisis why was gay marriage banned after it was only legal for a few months The Mormons had funded millions into passing proposition 8 part of it is rumors part true Another rumor blamed black people for being fiscally and socially liberal but being against gay marriage Prop 8 passed 52 48 IMAGES Happy colors 2 groups of people black dark constrained group of people republicans Jack Black Jesus zoom in on him with camera as he points out the wrong with the Republicans Stage has fake beach back drop Neil Patrick Harris doesn t fit in either group He is something in between The gestures of the group while they go back and forth at each other Stage divided in two Local theatre SOUNDS Piano upbeat staccato high pitch treble Consonant harmony Rhythm people don t sing along with piano s beat they get syncopated in own beat They improvise their own rhythm Before they talk about proposition 8 people sing really high when saying proposition 8 ascending Hippie group echoes it back with scared looks on their faces Musically when 2 dark dressed people come in music got deeper Piano beats get lower more intense less happy sounding Musically while they are going back and forth musical notes kind of dissipate voices are speaking and shouting with rhythm Orally 2 sides are repeating each other back but the SOUND is the same its an echo 05 02 2013 05 02 2013

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UMD COMM 401 - Proposition 8: The Musical

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