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Exam 3 Final Exam Topics Topics Characteristics of emerging adulthood cultural variation o 5 Distinctive Factors Identity Exploration Exploring different things to learn who you are and what your values beliefs limitations capabilities etc are Instability In relationships work school residence Testing the waters Self Focused don t confuse this with selfishness Learning to make independent decisions Learning to become a self sufficient person In Between Possibilities You re not an adolescent but you re not an adult either Having control over your future Choices for how to live is greater than ever Holds the potential for dramatic change o Cultural Variation Asian Countries Collectivist concerned with financially supporting parents and family over oneself European Countries Individualist concerned with financially supporting yourself o Other Characteristics Peak of physical functioning Peak of substance abuse and use Low rates of illness Due to unstructured socializing Due to propensity and opportunity Growing self esteem Identity development Post Formal Thinking o Formal operational thinking is absolute and involves making decisions based on personal experience and logic Post formal thinking is more complex and involves making decisions based on situational constraints and circumstances and integrating emotion with logic to form context dependent principles The distinction is a useful thing to understand when dealing with emerging adults For example adolescents have a harder time with emotionally charged situations than adults do o Pragmatism Logical thinking o Reflective Judgment The ability to evaluate the accuracy and logical coherence of evidence Multiple Thinking Multiple points of view Relativism have some merit Recognizing the legitimacy of both points of view and that they both may Commitment Commit to a certain viewpoint Open to reevaluating view if presented with new evidence o Dialectic Thought There is no clear solution 2 opposing viewpoints have some merit Chinese culture Finds a middle ground o Dualistic Thinking Polarizing contradicting viewpoints European American culture One is right and one is wrong Tertiary Education around the world o any kind of education or training program beyond secondary school Colleges in US Canada and Japan begin with 2 years of general education with no requirement of declaring a specialization or major Japan o Relaxed and undemanding in university years 4 years of sanctioned activities to think and explore o Europe no general education 6 years studying specific discipline obtain a degree similar to master s or doctorate degree o US Canada Two years of general education allows time for exploration 4 6 years to complete a 4 year program o Benefits of Tertiary School Cognitive Better writing social communication critical thinking skills An educated population is key to economic growth Higher earnings better job Identity Development theories Erikson vs Marcia cultural variation o Erik Erikson s Theory identity versus identity confusion Healthy path in adolescence involves establishing a clear and definite sense of who you are and how you fit into the world Unhealthy path is alternative is identity confusions which is a failure to form a stable and secure identity James Marcia Identity Status Model exploration vs commitment o o Diffusion no exploration no commitment Moratorium exploration but no commitment Foreclosure no exploration yes commitment Achievement yes exploration yes commitment In developing countries sense of self is lower vs Westerners Marriage Love dating are different in developing countries arranged marriages o Cultural Variation Plus how is this relevant to emerging adulthood In other cultures there is much less chance for moratorium or achievement Most people in other cultures grow up believing what they are told to believe and do in western culture there is less pressure to have to work so emerging adults are allowed to reach moratorium and achievement stages can try out various life choices love work ideology Ethnic identity o As part of their growing cognitive capacity for self reflection adolescents and emerging adults who are members of ethnic minorities are likely to have a sharpened awareness of what it means for them to be a member of their minority group Identifying with Majority Culture vs Identifying with Ethnic Group o Bicultural Separated Assimilated Marginal Associating with both Majority Culture Ethnic Group Majority Culture Ethnic Group Rejected by both Cohabitation o When adults move in together but are not married o of adults practice cohabitation o 1 10 couples were together 5 years later o Lasts much longer in Europe than USA o Not done much in Asian countries o Practical for money and good test of marriage Characteristics of young adults cultural variation o Cross Cultural Themes Markers of Adulthood Accepting responsibility for oneself Making independent decisions Becoming financially independent o Developing Countries Marriage o Developed Countries confirms and strengthens interdependence Collectivist prize interdependence Individualist prize independence Israel o o Completing military service o China Korea Being able to financially support their parents India Emotional Self Control Physical signs of aging o Thinning of hair o Gray hair o Wrinkles o Receding hairline o Thinning of skin ew o o Remedies Expertise and creativity o Expertise cholesterol and fat begin to accumulate basal metabolic rate BMR energy body uses at rest declines Extensive knowledge and skill in a specific field Experience Gaining expertise promotes creativity because expertise provides the knowledge and skills that are the raw materials of creative work o Creativity The ability to put ideas or materials together in new culturally meaningful ways Willingness to take intellectual risks Familiarity breeds rigidity Sternberg s Triangular Theory of Love o 3 Components Intimacy Feelings of closeness Passion Sexual desire Commitment Loyalty over the long run o 7 Types Liking Friendships Intimacy only Romantic Infatuation Intimacy Passion in love Passion only Short lived Fatuous Empty Passion Commitment whirlwind courtship move really fast Commitment only Arranged marriages Companionate Commitment intimacy Older couples Consummate All 3 Ideal type Love what we look for in a partner how it changes over time economics o Mutual attraction 1 thing we look for o Consensual validation finding others that match our characteristics as a way

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UMD EDHD 320 - Characteristics of emerging adulthood

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