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Midterm 1 Study Guide Chapter 1 Cultural Approach to Human Development Psychosexual theory Freud s theory proposing that sexual desire is the drive force behind human development Id sexual desires and operates based on pleasure principle Ego mediates between id and superego operates on the reality principle so child can seek satisfaction within the constraints imposed by superego Superego environment teach child to develop conscience makes child feel guilty for disobeying Memorize stages Bronfenbrenner s Ecological Systems Theory Bronfenbrenner s theory that human development is shaped by five interrelated systems in the social environment All five systems are impacting the individual sex age health Microsystem immediate environment Parents siblings peers teachers coaches Mesosystem Interconnections between the various micosystems Ex child experiencing abusive treatment from parents may make him have problems with teachers Exosystem societal institutions that have indirect but important influences on development Schools religious institutions media Ex South Korea there is a national exam that determines who gets into college and causes extreme academic stress Macrosystem broad system of cultural beliefs and values and economic and governmental systems that are built on those beliefs Ex Iran s cultural beliefs and therefore government based on Islam Chronosystem changes that occur in developmental circumstances over time with respect to individual development and historical changes Ex Losing a job at 15 is different than losing job at 45 Memorize chart Erikson s Socio Cognitive Development Theory concepts and stages Psychosocial theory Erikson s theory that human development is driven by the need to become integrated into the social and cultural environment Memorize stages Stage Model Ethical Standards for Human Development Research Emerging adulthood new stage in developed countries lasting from late teens through twenties where people are gradually making their way toward adult responsibilities in love and work The scientific process Human development way people grow and change across lifespan includes biological cognitive psychological and social functioning Culture pattern of groups customs beliefs art technology Total fertility rate TFR in a population the number of births per woman Currently 2 8 but should decline to 2 1 replacement rate of stable pop by 2050 Traditional culture in developing countries a rural culture that adheres more closely to cultural traditions than people in urban areas Caste system inherited social hierarchy determined by birth Ex Hindu culture of India reincarnation that reflects conduct in previous life Contexts setting circumstances contribute to pathways of human development SES gender ethnicity family community media develop developing Socioeconomic Status SES social class including education level income level occupational status Gender expectations of male and female roles Ethnicity group identity that includes cultural origin traditions race religion language Phylogenetic development of a species Ontogenetic characteristic pattern of individual development in a species Hominid evolutionary line that eventually led to humans known as the hominid line Upper Paleolithic period 40 000 10 000 years ago art music paintings on walls tools first boats appear Neolithic period 10 000 5 000 years ago when climate became warmer New plants evolved and domestication of animals to better food source beds sturdier dwellings Civilization 5 000 present when cities writing state central political system swords Shaman leader with special powers and knowledge of the spiritual world depicted human animal creature on walls during Upper Paleolithic period 3 Ancient conceptions of life Evolutionary Psychology examines how patterns of human functioning and behavior stem from adaptations to evolutionary conditions aggressiveness and mate selection Scientific method 5 steps identify question focus on hypothesis choose research method and design collect data draw conclusion cyclical begs further research Research method approach to investigate the hypothesis questionnaire and interviews Research design When and how to collect data Cross sectional longitudinal experimental Procedure way study is conducted and the data are collected Theory framework that presents a set of interconnected ideas in an original way and inspires further research Qualitative data collected in non numerical form descriptive observation photograph Quantitative data that is collected in numerical form Ethnographic research research method that involves spending extensive time among the people being studied Experimental Research method comparing experimental group that receives treatment of some kind to a control group Intervention program intended to change attitudes or behavior of participants Ex experimental group giving cigarette health risk classes intervention Natural experiment situation that exists naturally but provides interesting information Ex Studying adopted children for similarities and differences from birth parents Reliability consistency of measurement Validity truthfulness of measure measure what its designed to measure Can t establish validity without reliability Cross sectional research research design where data is collected from people of a variety of ages on a single occasion Ex Question group once about exercise habits and compare to physical health Positive Correlation one variable increase decrease then other variable does same Cohort effect explanation of group differences among people of different ages based on fact they grew up in different cohorts or historical periods Chapter 2 Genetics and Prenatal Development Genotype Environment Effects Theory Genetic basis of human development SES ethnic and cultural differences in prenatal care birth beliefs and practices physical development language development social development Nutrition Malnutrition Pregnancy Before During and After Genome entirety of your hereditary makeup derived from cells in your body Chromosome sausage shaped structure in the nucleus of cells containing genes which are paired except in reproductive cells Organized structure containing genetic information 46 chromosomes 23 pairs DNA deoxyribonucleic acid long strand of cell material 6 feet long that stores and transfers genetic information in all life forms Gene segment of DNA containing coded instructions for the growth and functioning of the organism

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UMD EDHD 320 - Chapter 1: Cultural Approach to Human Development

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