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03 07 2012 Paper Complete description will be posted soon on ELMS 2 options o Connecting development research and Art Song film graphic novel paintings poetry Catcher in the Rye and adolescent identify development Interviews The music of the Beatles and perceptions of aging Memory development in preschoolers Childhood divorce and adult romantic relationships Parts of Your Paper Part 1 o Developmental research Part 2 o Description of interview results or description of art piece and how it reflects Part 3 o Organization Part 1 Part 2 Part 1 Part 2 Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Language Development Pragmatics able to use and understand context sarcasm is in this category Phonics sounds of language Semantics meaning Morpheme smallest unit of meaning prefixes suffixes words that cannot be separated Syntax rules for combining words word choice does not need to be learned it is picked up and refined through school and education Four Stages Pre linguistics stage o 0 12 months First words o 12 18 months Vocabulary spurt o 18 24 months o Go from like 50 to 500 words and like 10 20 new words per week Development of Morphology and Syntax o 24 months Newborns Prefer sound of mother s voice and sound of native language Preprogrammed to be interested in and learn language 2 4 months cooing vowels only 6 8 months babbling consonants in addition to vowels vocal play Comprehension does not equal Production Produces first word and knowing what you are saying Comprehend about 50 words 12 months First Words Age o 10 14 months 1 2 words o 15 months 10 words o 18 months 50 words Holophrases o Single word utterances that convey meaning o This makes up most of early speech What facilitates word learning Biases o Whole object constraint Assume novel word refers to entire object rather than part or a quality of the object o Mutual exclusivity assumption Assume novel word refers to an unknown object rather than an object they already know In English nouns make up about 40 of first words o Noun bias Vocabulary Spurt 18 24 months Learn 10 20 new words each week Fast mapping learn meaning with only a few exposures Go from 50 to 500 words Large variability Matthew Effect rich are getting richer can apply to vocabulary Vocabulary keeps developing Age o 5 years 4000 5000 words o In school Gain 2000 3000 words per year o By HS graduation 40000 50000 words Morphology and Syntax How we put language together changes over time o Telegraphic phrases to longer phrases to ordering sentences that make sense to us 03 07 2012 Who is a bilingual speaker A person who speaks understands uses reads writes thinks or even sings in more than one language 60 75 of the world s population speak two or more languages 17 of the United States population is bilingual Types of Bilingual Speakers Second language learners L1 L2 Heritage language speakers L1 L2 Balanced bilingual L1 L2 Unbalanced bilingual L1 L2 Simultaneous bilingual L1 and L2 from birth Sequential bilingual L1 first then L2 The Bilingual Advantage a person Knowing more than one language adds to the cognitive flexibility of Higher level of literacy Bilinguals have better inhibitory control for ignoring irrelevant perceptual information o Monolingual English speaker what did you eat for lunch o Chinese English bilingual The Stroop Effect The name of a word can interfere with the process of naming the color of the word longer to name the color time to respond If the word and color don t match incongruent it often takes If the word does match its color congruent it usually takes less Your incongruent response times should be longer than your congruent response times Bilingual speakers show smaller response time difference between congruent and incongruent trials than monolingual speakers Bilingualism in Infancy Should bilingual parents only speak to their babies in one language or both languages Why Would bilingual infants confuse their two languages How do bilingual infants learn words The Universal Listener in Infancy Babies are born with the ability to learn any language in the world But they lose this sensitivity starting at 10 months of age if they don t hear the sounds o http www youtube com watch v Ew5 xbc1HMk feature related Parents should speak to their babies in both languages The Little Interpreter in Infancy Babies are not confusing their two languages o Spanish Catalan bilingual infants o In an experiment half of the infants are familiarized with Spanish until they are bored and the other half with Catalan o Two conditions in the test phrase Same familiarized with Spanish listen to Spanish Switch familiarized with Spanish listen to Catalan Perception of Non Native Contrasts Babies can hear the tiny differences in sounds in any languages r l right vs light does not exist in Korean or Japanese non native contrast Tones exist in Mandarin Chinese but not in English Differences between tones are non native contrasts for English o Let s see if you can differentiate between these Chinese tones Word Learning in Infants Monolingual infants learn words by associating a label with a novel How do monolingual babies learn words Monolingual infants learn words by associating a label with a novel speakers object object Mutual exclusivity principle o Only one name for every object How do bilingual babies learn words Bilingual babies learn words in the same way Word learning is more challenging for bilingual infants because there are more than one names for each object Bilingual babies have a less restrictive mutual exclusivity principle Bilingual Infant s Vocabulary Development Counting only vocabulary in one language monolingual bilingual If vocabulary from both languages are combined bilingual monolingual Learning two languages at the same time from birth does not slow down language development Language assessment only administered in one language English Bilingualism in Childhood What is the optimal age to learn a second language o The critical period hypothesis if L2 learning starts after puberty cannot achieve native like proficiency o People reach puberty at different ages o Not all aspects of language learning influenced by age of acquisition Acquisition of Syntax John told Lucy yesterday that he is going to move to China John told Lucy that tomorrow he is going to move to China John told Lucy tomorrow that he is going to move to China John told Lucy that yesterday he is going to move to China Acquisition of Words Order Subject verb object Subject object verb Bilingualism in

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