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01 30 2012 Development Systematic has some sort of trajectory to it like personality or height not moods changes and continuities something that will stay with you object permanence is gained at 8 months old from conception to death Growth Model Change is gradual slow and steady Stage Model Qualitative change Change is stepwise and sudden stair steps How Do We Know Experience Learning from others experts trustworthy people school news books internet Reasoning Scientific method Design Issues Variables o Theory Research questions hypothesis Design methods Collect data Analyze data Results conclusions Go back and revise if needed o Independent variable What you are manipulating controlling o Dependent variable What is affected by the IV what you are measuring o Extraneous variable Extra variables that might affect the study but are not interested in Experiments vs Correlations o Experiments manipulate the IV random assignment control extraneous variables as much as possible looking to identify causal relationships between variables o Correlations have no manipulation and look at 2 variables on a spectrum with a relationship o Quasi Experiment occur when the groups cannot be pre determined like gender or age Goals of Psychology Describe behaviors mental processes Explain Predict Control Developmental Psychology Goals Compare individuals at different developmental periods How variables change in individuals over time In depth examination of a specific developmental period Developmental Designs Longitudinal o Same group multiple times Cross sectional Sequential o Different groups same time o Combining both and can address issues with both 01 30 2012 Correlations r A correlation is a numerical representation of the strength of a relation between variables Range from 0 to 1 positive and 0 to 1 negative 0 is no relationship 1 is a strong positive 1 is a strong negative r 2 is a predictor for the variance of two different scores Correlation does not equal causation Does birth month make a difference Genes and the Environment Hereditability Heredity Proportion of variability that can be linked to genetic differences Genotype Genetic makeup Phenotype Expressed trait like a physical trait Check for Understanding Put these in order from the most to least hereditable o Height personality political party o Physical features are most heritable o Personality is also pretty heritable How Can We Study This Methods o Twin studies o Adoption studies o Family studies Estimate the contributions of o Genes o Shared environment o Non shared environment Interpreting the results of twin studies Correlations Evolution of nature nurture question Is it nature or is it nurture How do nature and nurture interact or relate to support development Nature Nurture 1 Nature Nurture Interaction Correlation 1 or Nature Nurture Free Will 1 Correlations Interactions Gene environment correlation o Systematic interrelation between genes and environment Gene environment interaction o Random combinations of genes and environment Type of G E Correlations Passive Parents give child their genes and environment Active Certain genes lead individuals to seek out certain environments Essay Idea Evocative Certain genes evoke certain environments The ideas presented by Gladwell provide a full albeit not compete picture of why I have been successful in school Talk about the baseball teams played on an how everybody was born in August proving Gladwell is correct Last night Eli Manning won Superbowl MVP for the 2nd time 01 30 2012 Explain why he has been so successful using each of the following His brother is an incredible QB along with their father o 1 Nature o 2 Nurture o Gene environment interaction o Gene environment correlation Active passive and evocative Expertise Guiding Questions o How are experts different than novices o How does one become an expert What are Characteristics of Expertise Reliably superior performance o In authentic situations what they would normally do o Even when situations provoke anxiety Knowledge is more advanced o Increased declarative knowing something like facts and information and procedural knowing how to do something knowledge o Well organized into schemas Chunking Tend to use knowledge for top down processing o Start bigger than work off that experts would say more knowledge novices more details Physiological changes o Increase efficiency and maximum capacity o Examples Change in connections of neurons in the brain Increased heart size of Olympic athletes Simon Chase 1973 Gave experts and novices in chess different boards to study Some were possible configurations some not In trial number 1 for possible scenarios masters could remember 16 24 pieces in 5 seconds of being shown a board opposed to beginners who remembered 4 24 pieces In trials for not possible scenarios beginners were able to remember more fake combinations than masters Masters are better at remembering real scenarios but for not real scenarios being a master did not help memory of the board Listen to this piece and write down what you notice Large crescendo Starts soft then gets really loud As quickly as possible please copy the following sentence Experts differ from novices in the amount of planning and anticipation that they employ while engaging in tasks related to their expertise This has been examined in fields such as chess experts report thinking more moves ahead in the score sports experts think about more possible options and typing How does someone become an expert Gradual incremental improvements until expert state Deliberate practice o Time experience alone does not equal expertise o Deliberate Practice does not equal or incentivized work The Matthew Effect the rich get richer 10000 hours of deliberate practice Deliberate Practice 01 30 2012 Just above comfort zone Goals Concentration Repetitive and needs feedback Internal motivation Napping in Expert Performers People who play violin that are experts actually nap more How Does Someone Become an Expert Start earlier Engage in deliberate practice throughout adolescent period Support from others Adequate rest Age When Started Playing Chess Bill Gates on Expertise Model of Domain Learning Talent alone is a bad predictor of future success because the journey to expertise is such a long process What are Theories and Why are they Important Theory o A set of concepts and principles designed to organize describe and explain a set of observations Sigelman Rider 2009 Humans Seek

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UMD EDHD 320 - Development

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