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BMGT451 Motivation Emotion and Attitude Notes Elements of Motivation o Needs o Motives o Goals Do marketers create needs Which motives drive purchases How do goals affect consumer behavior Maslow s Hierarchy of Needs o Focus from bottom to top o Don t always follow this though life is much more fluid Motives o High low urgency have to satisfy it now can satisfy this later o Intrinsic extrinsic enjoy it for what it is study and go to class because you want to get a reward grade doing an activity going to class grades o Manifest latent Explicit implicit examples on next page Motivational Conflict o Approach Approach o Approach Avoidance o Avoidance Avoidance o If you get the vacation you re put into a raffle to get the car one way to get both o Might not buy a new house if it comes with a mortgage if its normal people do this and you can cope with it then you will get the house o Pick the lesser of two evils or don t do it in the first place Promotion achieve your best Prevention protect from losses Means End Chain Model o Products are valued as a means to achieve the consumer s goals o Message links product attributes with specific consequences e g Delivery service reliable worry less sense of control Emotional Responses peace of mind o Emotional arousal may be the primary product benefit e g Movies books music Travel destinations e g Disney World Long distance telephone calls o Emotional arousal may be unintended e g Frustration with technology or assembly o Appeals based on emotions o Measuring emotional responses to ads Galvanic skin response GSR BBDO s Emotional Measurement System o Feelings o Behaviors Our interpretation of physiological changes depends on the situation e g happiness sadness fear surprise Bodily and facial expressions are social signals of a person s emotions e g fear triggers fleeing happiness triggers a smile More facial expressions when on stage put on the spot where pictures are being taken Attitudes Why are Attitudes Important o Attitudes often predict behavior Stored attitudes allow consumers to make decisions quickly However other factors influence behavior o Measure of ad effectiveness o Basis for segmentation 3 Models of Attitudes o ABC model o Multi attribute model o Functional model ABC Model Changing Attitudes Multi Attribute Model of Attitudes o W1 p1 Energy ratings o W2 p2 Price o W3 p3 Dimensions o W4 p4 Brand quality o W5 p5 Warranty Changing Attitudes o Change perceptions of product s performance on various attributes o Change relative importance of attributes o Add new attributes communicate existence of overlooked attributes o Point out benefits consumer hasn t considered e g Dawn dishwashing liquid o Reflect values lifestyle and outlook in ads e g Ralph Lauren o Provide sense of security and personal confidence e g Sure o Present scientific evidence compare product with other brands e g deodorant SpinBrush toothbrush Measuring Attitudes o Conjoint analysis Identify important attributes using methods such as focus groups interviews Ask target customers to rank combinations of attributes at various levels e g high low Estimate importance weights for each attribute using Functional Model of Attitudes regression analysis o Value expressive function o Ego defensive function o Knowledge function o Utilitarian function o Being put into a profile step into the ad and take on that lifestyle communicate the lifestyle through the ad people want to adopt it o Embarrassing problem shows that in order to avoid the embarrassing attribute the ad is highlighting you need to use the product o Giving you a lot of info 1 in the world go into scientific tests score of other competitors o If you use this product you get a benefit whiter teeth Intentions and Behavior o Intentions predict behavior best when Degree of control over behavior is high Self control issues Environmental or resource constraints o Level of specificity is the same o Intervening time is short Characteristics o Valence Positive or negative o Intensity Strong or weak Certain or uncertain o Centrality Many links or few links Consumer Characteristics o Cognitive ability Reception Yielding o Persuasion knowledge o Involvement Elaboration Likelihood Model o Consumers elaborate more when ability and involvement are high o Effectiveness of messages differs based on degree of elaboration Central route to persuasion Peripheral route to persuasion Source Characteristics o Attractiveness o Likeability o Credibility Expertise Trustworthiness Message Characteristics o Cognitive appeals o Affective appeals Fear Humor o Complexity o Vividness o Message structure Provide detailed product information Comparative advertising One sided vs two sided arguments Positive vs negative framing Drawing conclusions

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UMD BMGT 451 - Elements of Motivation

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