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EDPSY 14 Exam 2 Notes 03 31 2012 CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT A Allocated Time The amount of time available for instruction Learning is not actually occurring during all of the allocated time o Ex There are other distractions such as non academic things like announcements that take away allocated time o Ex There is 50 minutes in a period for a class but a teacher can lose time from taking attendance or making announcements B Academic Tasks This is the time that is spent actually teaching and on instruction This is equal to the amount of time available and subtracting the time not doing academic related material C Engagement Rate The rate at which students are paying attention in class o On average a good teacher in the U S is about 70 on task during class o During a 50 minute period this is only a little more than half the class time being on task Students are never 100 engaged D Time on Task teacher is instructing This refers to the time that the student is actually on task while the Best predictor of who is and who is not a quality teacher because good teachers will get the students on task and keep them there More time spent on task by teachers is correlated to high achievement in students ELEMENTS OF EFFECTIVE CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT A Classroom Management The organization of the classroom and classroom activities to maintain on task behavior B Organization of the classroom materials and supplies The room that the class is in lets the student know what type of class and experience the student will have Ex Walking into a lecture hall lets the student know it will be a lecture class and the interaction with the professor will be very impersonal C Establishing Rules and Consequences Every teacher has rules about how the students should engage in instruction activities in that classroom o Ex Students might not be allowed to get up and sharpen a pencil in a lecture hall but in a regular classroom they might There has to be a consequence for every rule or else students will These rules should be established before the class starts Its always better to start out with a lot of rules and then take away be able to not obey the rule some D Managing Classroom Instruction Teaching Communication o Good teaching keeps students engaged o Bad teaching will make students get off task especially if the student does not understand something Monitoring students while they work o A teacher that walks around and checks up on students while they are taking notes or doing seatwork will keep the students on task Providing meaningful feedback o Practice without feedback is useless o This should be done during instruction E Evaluate and Adjust Elements It is necessary to sit back and observe your classroom management Making changes to rules or changing the way something works in your classroom to be a more effective teacher TAKING A CLOSER LOOK A Classrooms For younger children teachers need to set classroom rules and consequences so that they know how to behave B Layout of a Room The architecture of a room tells a student a lot about what is going to happen in a classroom Ex If desks in a classroom are set up next to each other in a pod the kids think that they can talk to each other during class The teacher needs to have the ability to see everything that is going A teacher needs to consider how much moving around the students will be doing based on the layout of the classroom Ex If the teacher makes paper readily available for the kids it needs to be in a place that kids can easily access and not distract C Vision and Visibility on in the classroom D Movement other students RULES AND CONSEQUENCES A Teachers must set rules that apply to everything but that are easy enough for people to understand Ex Handbooks are often too long and boring for students to sit through and read all of it Therefore children or adults usually do not read them B Types of Rules Elementary Middle School Do and Don t Behaviors o Ex Don t get out of your seat Secondary Procedures College Do and Don t Behaviors C Establishing the rules in the classroom Keep it simple o Create only 5 to 8 rules o Use rules that are broad ex Be Cooperative o Few rules need to cover a lot of ground State positive behaviors o Tell the students specifically what they should be doing not what they should not be doing Clarity o To promote clarity make a T chart This allows the students to generate the rules themselves and they will be more likely to follow them Ex Be Cooperative Looks like Work with each other when it s acceptable Raise hands to talk The use of rules in classrooms should help promote fairness equity Sounds like Working Together Helping Listening and safety TRANSITIONS A Types of Transitions Transitioning into class o Ex Moving from the hallway managerial tasks to actual learning Transitioning within a class o Moving from a large group to multiple small groups Transitioning from different activities o Ex Moving from a reading activity to a math activity in elementary school o Moving from recess time to actual class work time B Transitioning to Class The best way to transition into class is by having tasks or activities for the students to complete while you do managerial tasks o Ex Checking homework from the previous night This will allow students to get clarification Students can ask questions Accesses prior knowledge o Ex Answer questions This can lead into new lessons Good activity if homework from the night before was to read a chapter Accesses prior knowledge o Generate questions reading Accesses prior knowledge Consult with a classmate to form questions about the CONSEQUENCES A Involves reinforcement and punishments B Rewards Teachers think that all rewards are reinforcement but they are not they have to check to make sure rewards are reinforcing o Ex Chocolate might not be a reward for all students Symbolic Reinforcers o A student cannot eat these o Grades stickers diplomas certificates GPA and money o Very power reinforcers Recognition o Someone else recognizes your achievements A teacher telling a student that his comments and participation in class was very insightful and helpful o Symbolic reinforcers like certificates can be used o Sometimes recognition is more powerful than symbolic reinforcers Activities o This is the same thing as the Premack Principle More recess time is given because of good work Material Reinforcers o Ex Chocolate o Token economy Trading in so many stickers for other rewards like popcorn or candy ASSERTIVE

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