EDPSY 14 Study Guide for Test 3 Unit V Motivation Learned helplessness Reached due to continued failure will cause you to avoid things you have previously failed at Ex Math To fix Attribution retraining performance effort recognize improvement Arousal nature of task and performance Being stimulated and tuned in Simple Task Increase arousal increase performance Ex Envelopes Complex Task Decrease arousal increase performance Ex SAT Mastery Learning goals Intrinsically focused Approach new content with the mindset of mastery motivated to learn Focused on learning grades Performance goals Extrinsically focused Visual Appeal motivated to look good Retention ability goes down will not remember content Can be manipulated by teachers Social goals Gain status in peer group drinking a party running for class president for popularity Peers influence eachother Example Girls are better at math in middle school but this changes in HS because it is nerdy Work avoidant goals Motivated to just get it done only b c they have to don t care about goal Avoid challenges Self regulated learning Student behaviors that are learning focused Listed below Developing a learning focused classroom Students goal setting Set goals to accomplish by the end of the year goal monitoring Keep track of goals strategies Give structure of how to comlpete a task metacognition Check youself as you go Teachers Model Enthusiasm Positive expectations Fear of failure Fear motivator look bad failing Behaviors avoid jokes coping strategies cheating Created by over critical parents Need for achievement Attraction to challenges and learning favor difficulty Behaviors take advantage of help seeking strategies seek professors peers Created by supportive parents effort high expectations constructive critisism Attribution theory 3 constructs Behavioral external reinforcement Humanistic internal self esteem self actulalization Cogntive internal and external attributions self efficacy expectancy Locus of control To what you attribute your success or failure internal or external External luck test Internal effort ability Task value 3 kinds Attainment Value extrinsic success satisfies a need you have GPA candy Interest Value intrinsic you like want to complete a task no reward needed Utility Value learn something because it will heko you in the future Ex Learn common spanish vocabulary b c you are going to spain Goal structures coop compet indiv Competitive Cooperative High Ability extrinsic performance ability Low Ability extrinsic performance ability helplessness High Ability Intrinsic and Extrinsic Learning Low Ability Intrinsic and Extrinsic Learning Individualistic This is the standard and what Dr Stevens uses High Ability Intrinsic and Extrinsic Learning Effort Low Ability Intrinsic and Extrinsic Learning Effort and Ability Improvement High Ability Intrinsic Learning Effort Low Abulity Intrinsic Learning Effort Teacher expectations Should always be high positive Created by wait time giving hints avoid student comparisons flexible improvement focused groups Self fulfilling prophecy Teachers create this before knowing students ability Get what they expect Starts low Students will decline to meet that level Starts high Students will rise to meet that level Sustaining expectation effect Teacher examines early student behavior then creates expectation This will remain the same even if student performance changes Extrinsic motivation Outside motivation reward Intrinsic motivation Tremendously powerful and rare motivation from within you Not always exclusive Don t put all your eggs in one basket Increased by rewards if relate to quality of performance recognize competence social reward rather than material activity does not already have extrinsic value Decreased by rewards if activity is already intrinsically motivating not based on level of performance there is competition for rewards rewards are used too frequently Unit VI Evaluation Norm reference test NRT Performance is compared to other students the norms characteristics Strenghts Compare students cover a lot of material breadth make predictions Weaknessess Not Good At Measuring mastery diagnosing instrutional needs measure impact of instruction examples SAT IQ Achievement Aptitude Readiness Criterion reference test CRT Performance is compared to an objective or criteria characteristics of instruction Strengths Assess mastery diagnose instructional needs measure impact Weaknessess Not Good At Comparing studuents covering a lot of material making predictions examples Teacher made Pretests Readiness Competency Authentic Assessment Normal distribution Mean The average Median The middle 55 70 85 100 115 130 145 1 3 16 50 84 97 5 99 9 Percentile Standard Deviation IQ In between 1 Standard Deviation from the mean 1 1 68 of people In between 2 Standard Deviations from the mean 2 2 95 of people Mode Most frequently occuring value Standard deviation Spread Range Reliability Test Retest Stability Consistency of test scores obtained from the same students at different times 2 weeks NRT Measured by correlation standardized should 8 9 Validity Is the test appropriate valid for it s intended use measure what it is supposed to measure Standard error of measurement 5 points on final results Summative evaluation Final evaluation of students achievement on an abjective How well did you do Must be reliable allow for comparisons tied to formative elavulation CRT or NRT Formative evaluation Is additional instruction needed How well are you doing Discover strengths and weaknesses Informative frequent timely tied to curriculum CRT
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