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Lecture Notes 02 04 2013 No Logo Documentary Notes Large multinationals such as Nike McDonalds Monsanto were receiving negative feelings Brands need to represent a lifestyle not necessarily just products No Logo is a phrase that encompasses anti company sentiments Goods went from being local to being mass produced in far away factories Brands allowed companies to connect with customers and allow them to trust the brand People nowadays associate themselves with brands due to Walt Disney understood that he was selling the American Dream marketing and smalltown USA Ideas are devalued when connected to brands o Ex Virgin not selling a product but an idea non conformist rebels who love the idea of being an individual o Apple stands for doing things differently o IKEA democracy o Starbucks community Companies would sponsor events concerts festivals etc that melded with the image they wanted to portray Superbrand companies don t limit themselves to a single market of products put their brand on several different products The power of marketing is the power of getting someones attention which is not an easy thing With limited space to advertise companies must become creative in order to get their name out in the market Shopping malls are designed to mimic town squares Walmart uses family oriented branding in order to attract the entire family to shop The Nike paradigm hiring contractors in cheap labor countries who in turn find subcontractors for even cheaper labor Maquiladoras industrial parks zones that produce goods for Europe North America Service sector usually temporary jobs are replacing economic jobs Public sphere Places at which strangers can interact as equals State the sum of institutions that regulate daily life Market places of labor and commerce Private sphere One s place of intimacy and ownership 02 04 2013 02 04 2013

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UMD AMST 289A - No Logo (Documentary) Notes

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