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Early Childhood Development physical health nutrition cognitive understanding problem solving logical thinking numbers emotional play peers adults customs security novelties play with peers language word use sound structure Goals for Early Childhood nurture children healthy food prepare them for schooling right attitudes habits skills provide care health nutrition emotional social abilities minds master complex levels of moving thinking feeling interactions with people things Body Growth in Early Childhood growth height weight gender body fat teething Brain size left hem right hem handedness neurotransmitter Brain Development in Early Childhood frontal lobe areas for planning and organization develop left hemisphere active o lang skills o handedness linking areas of the brain development o cerebellum reticular formation corpus callosum links the two sides of the brain together allows you to use both sides of brain o reticular formation is a part of the brain that is involved in actions such as awaking sleeping cycle and filtering incoming stimuli to discriminate irrelevant background stimuli o cerebellum plays important role in motor control Lateralization and Handedness hand preference ambidextrous right left twins Handedness reflects dominant cerebral hemisphere o right handed 90 left hemisphere o left handed 10 both hemispheres may be genetic basis but affected by experience o position in uterus practice Three levels of stress positive brief increases in heart rate mild elevations in stress hormone level tolerable serious temporary stress responses buffered by supportive relationships toxic prolonged activation of stress response systems in the absence of protective relationships Immunizations polio measles mumps rubella DTP pertussis whooping cough German measles diphtheria tetanus hep b chicken pox What can affect physical health emotional distress disease lack of immunizations poor nutrition poverty injuries heredity sleep Nutrition 34 more fats in diets in America 50 more fat in school foods need healthy foods picky eaters appetite declines need to learn food safety deficiencies iron Vitamin A and C Gross Motor Top Fine motor bottom 37 48 months Throw balls underhanded Pedals tricycle Catches large ball 49 60 months Bounces and catches ball Runs 10 feet and stops Pushes pulls a wagon 61 72 months Throws ball Carries 16 pound object Kicks rolling ball Completes forward somersault Jumps to floor from one foot Hops three hops with both feet Steps on footprint pattern Catches bounced ball Approximate circle Cuts paper Pastes using pointer finger Builds three block bridge Builds eigh block tower Draws 0 and Dresses and undresses doll Pours from pitcher without spilling Kicks 10 ball toward target Carries 12 pound object Catches ball Bounces ball under control Hops on one foot four hops Strings and laces shoelaces Cuts following line String ten beads Copies figure x clothepins one hand builds a five block bridge pours from various containers prints first name Skips alternating feet Roller skates Skips rope Rolls ball to hit object Rides two wheel bike with training wheels Folds paper into halves and quarters Traces around hand Draw shapes Cuts interior piece from paper Uses crayons appropriately Makes clay objects Letters Copies two short words Factors Related to Childhood Injuries gender and temperament poverty low parental education births to teenagers not ready for parenthood shortage of high quality child care societal conditions o international differences First 10 years need most sleep Cognitive Development piaget Vygotsky Piaget s Theory Preoperational 2 7 years old not capable of logical thinking rigid understanding mental images lead to word formation make believe play egocentrism inability to really put themselves in someone else s shoes conservation mistakes lack of classification Children who don t understand will think that C has more then B in the second one when in fact it s the same Egocentric Through Ilogical Thought Categorization Appearance vs reality Can adjust language to others and take others perspectives in simple situations Animistic thinking comes from incomplete knowledge of objects Can do simplified conservation Can reason by analogy Everyday knowledge is categorized Can solve appearance reality tasks in non verbal ways Three mountains task Vygotsky s Socio cultural theory social environment including language is critical to development Erikson Initiative vs Guilt 3 6 teaching empathy encourage safe play play with along with children s make believe play intervene when play turns aggressive practice smart parenting to teach lessons in social behavior Information Processing Model attention memory metacognitiion mathematical reasoning grammar pragmatics language literacy Language Development vocabulary fast mapping grammar conversation Type Physical Verbal Relational Types of Hostile Aggression How Harm is Caused Physical injury Threats of physical aggression Name calling Teasing Social exclusion Malicious gossip Friendship manipulation Direct or Indirect Either Always direct either Positive Discipline use transgression as opportunities to teach reduce opportunities fro misbehavior have children participate in family duties routines try compromising and problem solving encourage mature behavior Involvement High Low Too low or high Low Control Adaptive High Low Autonomy Appropriate Low High Uninvolved Low Low Indifference Different Styles of Parenting Authoritative Authoritarian Permissive Acceptance High Low High Authoritative best kind Middle Children Topics growth nutrition body weight health motor skills Physical slow regular patterns girls shorter and lighter until about 9 lower portion of body growing fastest bones lengthen muscles very flexible all permanent teeth arrive Nutrition malnutrion affects motor coordination and low intelligence test scores diabetes increasing in obese children obese children viewed negatively by peers family approach to food needed Sports Not too competitive is best for younger children adult organized sports overemphasize competition need more informal games and individual exercise programs pros and cons of sports for children Motor Skills girls stronger in agility and balance social experiences affect abilities in both sexes parents expect more prowess form boys child invented games Health allergies asthma highest reason for absences infections Cognitive Development Piaget s Theory concrete operational stage o

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UMD EDHD 320 - Early Childhood Development

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