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Jessica Hirschberg EDSP470 Midterm Study Guide Special Education History Legislation and Litigation 5 Main Protections under IDEA Fair testing IEP etc 1 A free and appropriate Public Education FAPE All students with disabilities are entitled to a free and appropriate public education to meet their individual needs 2 Fair testing Nondiscriminatory and Multidisciplinary Assessment Testing students in their native language Using valid tests and evaluation procedures that are selected and administered to prevent racial or cultural discrimination Validation of the assessment tools for the purpose for which they are Utilizing several pieces of information collected by a multidisciplinary being used team 3 Parent Rights Giving permission for initial testing Giving permission for initial placement Giving permission for continuation of services Request an independent evaluation Request an evaluation paid for by the school if the parent disagrees with the evaluation Participate on the IEP team Right to inspect and review educational records Right to challenge information if needed Right to request a copy of information from the child s educational record Right to request a hearing concerning the school s identification evaluation or placement of the student of the provision of FAPE 4 Individualized Education Program IEP Students have the right to an IEP developed by an MDT The team developing the IEP includes the student s parents at least one special education teacher at least one general education teacher and a representative of the local education agency often an administrator VP or Principal The IEP team must also include a person who can interpret the evaluation results and the implications for the child s education 5 Education in the Least Restrictive Environment LRE Mandate The law requires that students with disabilities be placed with their non disabled peers to the maximum extent appropriate with the provision of supplemental aids and services Classroom modifications are critical to the success of the LRE Effects of the 3 court cases on education rights for children with disabilities Brown vs Topeka Kansas Board of Education 1954 Segregated school systems black and white schools separate but equal Brown won realized separate schools were not okay Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Citizens P A R C vs Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 1971 Over 500 000 students with retardation that didn t go to school P A R C was a parent group tat won the case Got funding for schools Mills vs District of Columbia 1972 D C in charge of their own schools and originally did not afford schools for kids with disabilities Paved the way for finances to no longer be an excuse to deny services ADA pg 21 Boxes 8 3 8 4 on pg 183 4 Americans with Disabilities Act 1990 No otherwise qualified individual with a disability shall solely by reason of the disability be discriminated against in certain realms of American life Extends civil rights nondiscrimination protection to people with disabilities in the following sectors of American life Private sector employment Transportation Privately operated businesses that are open to the public public State and local government activities and programs accommodations Telecommunications P L 94 142 1975 What is it and why is it important Education for All Handicapped Children Act Matching funds provision FAPE by September 1978 Every dollar funded the state would match it 3 years to enact a free appropriate public education for the disabled 5 Categories of Disability with most students Learning disabilities 37 5 Speech language impairments 21 8 Other Health impairments 10 6 Intellectual disabilities 7 1 Emotional disturbance 6 3 People first language When people put the person before the disability Ex student with physical disabilities INSTEAS OF physically disabled children LRE why the determination is sometimes problematic Least Restrictive Environment Placing non disabled peers to the maximum extent appropriate with the provision of supplemental aids and services Education alongside students who do not have disabilities Inclusion Multicultural Education and Family Partnerships Risk ratios Compare proportion of a specific racial ethnic group receiving special education services to the proportion among the combined total of other racial ethnic groups receiving special education Non discriminatory evaluation The IDEA principle that requires schools to determine what each student disability is and how it relates to the student s education Evaluation must be carried out in a culturally responsive way Cultural deficit theory Blames academic failure of students from diverse backgrounds on the inherent disadvantages that exist within the students cultures Professionals argue that the students cultural deprivation explains why Disproportionate representation The proportion of students served in special education by disability and race ethnicity The percentage of students in special education in different educational environments by race ethnicity The percentage of students in racial ethnic participating in education for students who are classified as gifted Principles and key indicators of family school Communication the verbal nonverbal or written messages that partners exchange among themselves ex being friendly clear honest Professional competence being highly qualified for one s professional role ex providing quality education continuing to learn setting high expectations Respect relationships in which each partner regards all others with esteem and communicates that esteem though actions and words ex honoring cultural diversity affirming strengths treating students and families with dignity Commitment feeling loyalty to each other ex being available and accessible going above and beyond being sensitive to emotional needs Equality situations in which each partner has roughly equal opportunity and talent to influence the decisions that the partners make ex sharing power fostering empowerment providing options Advocacy situations in which individuals speak out and take action to pursue a cause on a personal organizational or societal level ex seeking win win solutions preventing problems forming alliances Trust having confidence in another person s word judgment and action and believing that the trusted person will act in the best interest of the person who trusts him or her ex being reliable using sound judgment maintaining confidentiality Partnership tips Prepare an advance

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UMD EDSP 470 - Midterm Study Guide

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