Nervous System extensive network of specialized cells that carry info to and from all parts of the body communication Neuroscience study of the nervous system examines structure and function of neurons nerves and nervous tissues Behavioral Neuroscience interested in relationship of neuroscience to behavior and learning biopsychology Structures of the neuron Basic cell in the nervous system receives and sends messages Parts Dendrites receive detects Soma cell body maintains life of the cells Axon long tube like structure carries message to other cells send Three types of Neurons Sensory detects carries information from the senses to CNS a k a afferent neuron Motor carries messages from Central nervous system to muscles a k a efferent neuron Interneuron found in the Central nervous system o Receives information from sensory neurons and sends commands to muscles through o Connect and coordinate Allow afferent and efferent to communicate motor neurons o Bulk of neurons in the brain Nerves bundles of axons in the body that travel together Other types of Brain cells Gilal Cells 1 Provide support for neurons to grow around on 2 Deliver nutrients to neurons 3 Clean up waste products and dead neurons 4 Some produce myelin to coat axons Generating the message Neural impulses 1 Sending the message within the cell a Electrical b All or none fires completely or not at all c How different strengths responses are indicated 2 Sending the message to other cells a Myelin sheath fatty substance produced by Gilal cells coats axons to insulate protect and speed up neural impulses a Neurotransmitters over 100 identified sending messages between cells b Chemical touch i Synapse synaptic gap microscopic spaces between neurons neurons do not ii Receptor sites holes in the surface of dendrites or muscle or gland cells 1 Shaped to fit only certain neurotransmitters Neuron Communication neurons must be turned on and off Excitatory increases chance receiving neuron will fire and travel down axon to forward the message Inhibitory decreases chance neuron will fire Chemical substances can affect neuronal communication Agonists mimic or enhance effects of neurotransmitters o Ex black widow spider venom Antagonists block or reduce response to neurotransmitters o Ex curare beta blockers Cleaning up the synapse 2 Diffusion drift away 1 Reuptake NTs taken back into sending cell most common milliseconds 3 Enzyme a protein made by cells breaks down NT even faster used for ACH Central Nervous System CNS Spinal cord a long bundle of neurons that 1 Carries messages between the body and brain 2 Responsible for very fast lifesaving reflexes Peripheral Nervous System PNS o Sensory pathway sensory neurons Afferent From senses to CNS Somatic Nervous System carries sensory information and controls skeletal muscles Autonomic Nervous System ANS controls involuntary muscles organs and glands o Motor pathway motor neurons Efferent From CNS to voluntary muscles Sympathetic division fight or flight system o Reacting to stressful events o Direct resources to short term survival o Called fight or flight Parasympathetic division o Restores body to normal functioning o heal and grow o Health issues if not enough too much stress o Can elicit yoga meditation
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