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Ch 3 Know Understand and Define the following Function of gastric acid Small intestine major site of enzymatic digestion and nutrient absorption Bile made in liver stored and released from gallbladder enables lipid globules to disperse in water digestion of fatty foods enterohepatic circulation Solute concentration How much solute solid is in a solvent liquid Simple diffusion A substance crosses a cell membrane by moving from a HIGHER concentration TO a LOWER concentration energy is not required Facilitated diffusion A substance crosses a cell membrane with the assistance of a transport protein Because a substance crosses a cell membrane by moving from a HIGHER concentration TO a LOWER concentration energy is not required Osmosis Water crosses cell membranes freely The net movement of water is determined by the concentration of solutes Water moves by osmosis from a LOWER solute concentration TO a HIGHER solute concentration until the solute concentration is the same on both sides of the membrane energy is not required Endocytosis Particles are enclosed by a portion of the cell membrane forming a vesicle Contents of the vesicle are brought into the cell and then released molecules engulfed by the cell don t pass through the cell membrane MOVING IN A CELL Excocytosis Vesicle releases the material outside of the cell Material made in the cytoplasm is packaged in vesicles cells direct the contents of secretory vesicles out of the cell membrane and into when the kidneys are in a state of renal failure the extracellular space MOVING OUT OF THE CELL Hemodialysis treatment for kidney failure it cleanse the blood Filtration removal of waste products such as creatinine and urea and free water from the blood Hemoglobin molecule protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen iron containing oxygen transport metalloprotein in the red blood cells of all vertebrates Myoglobin An iron and oxygen binding protein found in the muscle tissue of vertebrates in general and in almost all mammals Protein in heart and skeletal muscles Osteoporosis A disease of bones that leads to an increased risk of fracture reduction of bone mineral density BMD bone deteriorates and the amount variety of proteins in bone are altered Remodeling To make over in structure or style 4 basic types of tissue 1 Epithelial covers and lines body surfaces organs and cavities 2 Connective provides structure to the body by binding and anchoring body parts 3 Muscle contracts and shortens when stimulated plays important role in movement 3 Types assist in in voluntary movement 1 Smooth 2 Cardiac 3 Skeletal 4 Neural plays a role in communication by receiving and responding to stimuli Peristalsis consists of a series of wavelike rhythmic contractions and relaxation involving both the circular and longitudinal muscles This action propels food forward through the GI tract Figures 3 12 3 14 3 2 3 3 hormone and activity ex gastrin Gastroeosphageal transit time is less than 10sec regulates the flow of food from the esophagus into the stomach After the food passes into the stomach the gastroesophageal sphincter closes to prevent the stomach contents from re entering the esophagus GERD Gastroeosphageal reflux disease the stomach contents flow back into the esophagus can develop cancer because of epithelial cells feeling of constant heartburn Formation of urine swordfish shark mackerel and tilefish because of their high mercury levels Disease risk Nutrient Composition Protein Lipids DHA Carbohydrates Mothers Postpartum amenorrhea Babies Colostrum a form of milk produced by the mammary glands of mammals Chapter 14 Know Understand and Define Breastfeeding pros What fish should pregnant women stay away from High risk choking foods for toddlers Appropriate weight gain for women Spinal Bifida birth defect involves the incomplete development of the spinal cord or its coverings Folic Acid Folate important vitamin to reduce spinal bifida Colostrum a form of milk produced by the mammary glands of mammals Alveoli Any of the tiny air sacs in the lungs where the exchange of oxygen carbon dioxide takes place Mammary ducts Organ in female mammals that produces milk to feed young milk secreting tissue Prolactin peptide hormone released by pituitary gland stimulates breast devlpmnt milk production Oxytocin hypothalamic hormone stored in the posterior pituitary which has uterine contracting and Pica eating disorder persistent and compulsive cravings to eat nonfood nonnutritive items clay dirt WIC Women Infants Children federally funded health and nutrition program up to age 5 Components of weight gain Color of Breast Eumelanin the brown pigment and Pheomelanin the red pigment Macronutrient for carbohydrate Meals on wheels service to improve nutritional status milk releasing actions roles in sexual reproduction particularly during and after childbirth spherical collections of epithelial cells that become the active milk secreting structures in lactation weakening of the bones Symptoms Bone pain or tenderness Includes beta carotene vitamin E vitamin C Found in fruits vegetables whole grains Unit 20 Know Understand and Define Antioxidants Chemical substances that prevent repair damage to cells caused by exposure to free radicals Rickets disorder caused by a lack of vitamin D calcium or phosphate It leads to softening and Thiamine Deficiency M 1 2mg W 1 1mg Fatigue weakness Nerve disorders mental confusion apathy Impaired growth Swelling Heart irregularity and failure Function helps body release energy from carbohydrates ingested Facilitates growth and maintenance of nerve and muscle tissues Promotes normal appetite Niacin Deficiency M 16mg W 14mg UL 35mg from supplements and fortified foods Skin disorders Nervous and mental disorders Diarrhea indigestion Fatigue Function helps body capture and use energy released from carbohydrates proteins and fats Assist in the manufacture of body fats Helps maintain normal nervous system functions Vitamin C Deficiency M 90mg W 75mg UL 2000mg Bleeding Bruising easily due to weakened BV cartilage and other tissues containing collagen Slow recovery from infections and poor wound healing Fatigue depression Function Needed for the manufacture of collagen Helps the body fight infections repair wounds Acts as an antioxidant Enhances iron absorption 4 D s of Pellagra diarrhea dermatitis dementia and death Vitamin E Food Sources oils fats 1tbs salad dressings mayonnaise margarine shortening butter 1tbs whole grains wheat germ 2tbs

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KSU NUTR 23511 - Notes

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