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Understand why we use labels used to identify people who differ from the accepted norm Have to label people because there is only a certain amount of funding that is tied to each individual condition or need of special education classes How did parents impact changes in the development of formal disability services very active partners in the education of their children collaborate with professionals shares responsibility and discusses issues and ideas Be familiar with the relevant special education and disability laws that impact how people with disabilities access services e g Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 IDEA formerly EHA and it s important reauthorizations amendments to include services for 3 5 year olds and transition related services and ADA Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 civil rights act for persons with disabilities Cannot be denied benefits or in any way be discriminated against in any federally funded pro gram Provides for employment practices accessibility to facilities and programs and prohibits the denial of opportunity to participate or benefit from aid or service Prohibits unequal opportunity Less effective opportunity Perpetuate discrimination Limit enjoyment Different or separate aids services or benefits IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act which made available a free and appropriate public education for 6 21 year old students with disabilities It later extended the rights of those with disabilities to preschoolers ages 3 5 and established a state grant program for infants and toddlers EHA IDEA as to reflect the use of person first language and national use of the term disability related services include special transportation and other support services necessary for a student to benefit from the special ed program ADA Americans with Disabilities Act set into place in order to prohibit discrimination against people with disabilities in employment and other programs provided by the states local govern ments and goods and services provided by public companies and commercial facilities Man dates protections in public and private sector employment public services accommodations transportation telecommunications FAIR AND LEVEL PLAYING FIELD FOR EVERYONE Olmstead Act made ADA a reality by saying that it was a violation to discriminate against people with disabilities by only providing services in community based settings and institutions Be familiar with relevant court cases regarding l education services e g PARC vs Penn sylvania Brown v Topeka Board of Education Board of Education v Rowley Mills vs DC Board of Education PARC v Pennsylvania court ordered schools to provide a free public education to all children with mental retardation between the ages of 6 and 21 Brown v Board of Ed equal education opportunities and reaffirmed education as a right not a privilege to all children Board of Ed v Rowley addressed the meaning of FAPE Free Appropriate Public Education which gave a basic floor of opportunity to access specialized instruction and related services which are individually designed to benefit the handicapped child Mills vs DC The right to a free public education was extended to all school age children with disabilities Define accommodations change CONDITIONS not the content Provide different ways for students to take in informa tion or communicate their knowledge back to you The changes basically don t alter or lower the standards or expectations for a subject or test they just make them equally accessible for the stu dent Major provisions of the law governing special education services LRE Least Restrictive Environment for the child Needs to be determined as to ensure that the child receives the most adequate services and can excel Receive their education with non dis abled peers to the maximum extent appropriate FAPE All students with disabilities can learn and are entitled to a free and appropriate public education designed to meet their unique needs and at no cost to the parents Multidisciplinary and non discriminatory assessment testing students in their native or pri mary language while using valid tests and evaluation procedures that are used to prevent cultural or racial discrimination Several pieces of information and validation of the assessment tools for the purpose for which they are being used Parents participate on the committee that considers the evaluation placement and programming of the child and delivering FAPE IEP individual education program that is a document that travels with the student that has their plan based off of assessment information Vehicle for deciding the overall plan for the child formed by a collaboration of parents and professionals Team parents special ed teacher general ed teacher representative of the local education agency and someone who can interpret the results of evaluations Parental Safeguards consent for testing and placement Request an independent educational evaluation and at public expense if the parent disagrees with the evaluation Components of the special education referral process Referral Multidisciplinary Assessment for eligibility Develop IEP Determine LRE Phase 1 initiation the referral Phase 2 assessing student eligibility and educational need testing to whatever the issue at hand is testing non discriminatory and multidisciplinary Phase 3 developing the individualized education program IEP meeting with someone to get all the needs for their child fixing their program so they receive REASONAL BENEFIT Phase 4 Determining the least restrictive environment LRE Three components of the Individual Education Program Must Include PLAAFP and assessments 1 Statement of present levels of academic achievement and functional performance including how the disability affects involvement and progress in the general education curriculum 2 Measurable annual functional and academic goals including academic and functional goals 3 The extent to which the child will not participate with non disabled children in the general ed Statement of any individual accommodations that are necessary to ensure academic achievement and performance functionality Access to a highly qualified teacher in the subject taught 6 Positive statement that describes an observable skill or behavior that is measurable and reason ably attainable in one school year Why do we use person first language In order to value the human being as opposed to their diagnosis first minimize stereotyping or labeling of

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UMD EDSP 470 - Understand why we use labels

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