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Colin Wuerthele EDSP470 Section 0201 TRANSITION FROM SCHOOL TO ADULT LIFE I Introduction Please provide a brief overview Realizing successful post secondary outcomes is a goal for all students Depending on the disability and the support services required in adult life successful transition from high school to adult life may require that planning activities begin in elementary school with students exploring their interests in middle school Starting the process early prepares students with disabilities to think about what they want to be able to do in adult life High school transition planning includes exploring post secondary opportunities and employment options and may include connecting with the adult service agencies that may provide the student with services when he or she graduates or turn 22 years of age II Transition Planning and Services a Legal Requirements for Transition Services By the time student is 14 the IEP must reflect the student s post school goals Beginning at age 14 or younger the IEP must include a statement of transition service needs Beginning in the school year in which the student turns 16 the IEP must include a statement of needed transition services b The Individual Transition Plan Instruction can take place in a classroom small group or one to one learning It can be provided in public schools private schools at home or in the community Related Services may include transportation speech occupational therapy physical therapy and other supportive services necessary for a student to benefi t from special education Community Experiences may be provided in communities by schools consultants private providers or other agencies Employment Other Post School Adult Living Objectives may lead to a paid job or career opportunity or other important adult activities Daily Living Skills are the types of activities most adults do every day at home and in the community Functional Vocational Evaluation provides information about job or career interests aptitude and skills III Implementation Transition Services in Secondary Schools a Expected Outcomes of Secondary School Programs Career development and exploration Functional Academics Self Determination b Teaching Self Determination Knowledge of one s own disability Knowledge of rights Self assessment Learning styles Appropriate communication techniques Assertiveness skills c Teaching Academic Skills Math Reading Writing Computer Usage d Teaching Adaptive Skills Community Resource Training Residential Living Skills Mobility Transportation Communication Skills Recreation leisure Social Relationships Self Medication health and safety e Employment Preparation Vocational Evaluation Career Assessment Community based job exploration sampling Paid work experiences Part time employment in chosen field prior to graduation Specialized transition assessments IV The Adult Years a Adults with Exceptionalities Adults with Exceptionalities b Making Choices Deciding on what to do in the future depends on each individual s unique factors including mobility vision hearing impairment Intelligence etc c Building Support Network for Adults with Disabilities Centers for independent living Adult service providers Community based involvement d Government Funded Programs Commision for the Blind and Visually Impaired Division of Vocational Rehabilitative Services Division of Developmental Dissabilities Mental Health Social Security and Medicaid County Office on Disability e Natural Supports Family Close Friends V Issues of Aging Adults with Disabilities a Increasing Life Expectancy Years ago the life expectancy of a child with developmental disabilities was barely 20 now it is 66 and most will outlive their parents Some feel it is because they grow up living around family and friends opposed to being sent away and isolated b Lack of Home Based Services A lack of home based services forces disabled adults to live mostly on their own opposed to in more socially interacting environments

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