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Kohlberg s 3 Types of Moral Reasoning 1 2 3 Kohlberg s 6 Stages of Moral Reasoning I 1 2 II 3 4 III 5 6 Gender Role Stereotypes rigid flexible Preschool Period Middle Childhood Adolescence Piaget s Moral Development Heteronomous Morality Age How they view rules Punishment Autonomous Morality Age How they view rules Punishment 4 Phases of Forming Attachment 1 Age Actions 2 Age Actions 3 Age Actions 4 Age Actions 4 Types of Romantic Attachment 2 Characteristics of Parenting Related to the Development of Secure Attachment in Infancy 1 2 1 2 3 4 Selman s 5 Stages of Friendship Stage 0 Age Characteristics of Friendship Stage 1 Age Characteristics of Friendship Stage 2 Age Characteristics of Friendship Stage 3 Age Characteristics of Friendship Stage 4 Age Characteristics of Friendship 5 Steps of Dunphy s Model of the Development of Romantic Relationships 1 2 3 4 5 Brown s 4 Phases of Adolescent Relationships 1 Age Purpose of Relationship 2 Age Purpose of Relationship 3 Age Purpose of Relationship 4 Age Purpose of Relationship 3 Characteristics of a Well Functioning Family Circumplex Model 1 2 3 4 Types of Parenting in Baumrind s Parenting Style Model 1 Meaning Parental Acceptance Responsiveness Parental Demandingness Control 2 Meaning Parental Acceptance Responsiveness Parental Demandingness Control 3 Meaning Parental Acceptance Responsiveness Parental Demandingness Control 4 Meaning Parental Acceptance Responsiveness Parental Demandingness Control Average Lifespan at Birth White Male White Female Overall Common Causes of Death Under 1 Year Old Childhood Adolescence Mid Late Adulthood Kubler Ross s 5 Stages of Dying 1 Meaning 2 Meaning 3 Meaning 4 Meaning 5 Meaning Kubler explains that is an important response which runs throughout the 5 stages 2 Critiques to the Kubler Ross Theory 1 2

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