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Lecture Guide Chapter 12 Psychological Disorders Based in part on PsychSmart McGraw Hill 2013 Gen Psych F12 Vocabulary Diagnosis is the identification of the nature and cause of anything Diagnosis is used in many different disciplines with variations in the use of logics analytics and experience to determine the cause and effect Intern Syndrome psychology student syndrome BEWARE condition is associated with immediate preoccupation with the symptoms in question leading the student to become unduly aware of various casual psychological and physiological dysfunctions start to diagnose oneself with disorders Treatment The relief of psychological disorders and the ultimate aim of enabling individuals to achieve richer more meaningful lives within the context of their cultures Can use different forms of therapy and or medications Etiology The study of causes or origins Current Beliefs Bio psycho social model Health is best understood in terms of a combination of biological psychological and social factors rather than purely in biological terms This is in contrast to the traditional reductionist biomedical model of medicine that suggests every disease process can be explained in terms of an underlying deviation from normal function such as a pathogen genetic or developmental abnormality or injury Prognosis Future development Prevalence How common that disorder is How many a year any disorder 22 How many lifetime any disorder 35 50 Most Common Disorders Mood Anxiety Substance Abuse 1 Psych Disorders are Whole Body Disorders Have emotional cognitive and physical symptoms Review of Select Psychological Disorders Anxiety disorders excessive or unrealistic anxiety fear anxiety in a dangerous situation is beneficial and not a disorder Can be general or focused As a group most common and very costly most commonly diagnosed high cost when it causes missed work school Many effective treatments with and without medication Generalized anxiety disorder Feelings of dread impending doom worries constant and excessive Past present future Money family work illness even worrying highly sensitive to criticism because they re going to worry what other people think about them trouble making decisions Is it the right decision Is there a better option I can t see What are the consequences effects of physical tension aches pains tender insomnia Treatment Tx Medication various therapies Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Trauma reactions can be general or specific now or delay PTSD is a specific set of symptoms sx 1 Re experience nightmares flashback 2 Avoidance symptoms avoid things people that remind them of it emotionally shut down become numb 3 Hyper arousal symptoms body is alert startle easily anger easily Treatment Anxiety meds depression meds therapies exposure don t let them avoid forget Specific Phobia Irrational fear of object or situation excessive to risk know it but can t stop it Leads to avoidance Severity varies greatly phobia vs phobic disorder can have phobias w o it disrupting your life Social phobia fear of interacting being evaluated negatively fear of everyday social situations Serious phobia going to affect your day to day life soon to be renamed Social anxiety disorder Panic disorder What percent women 2 3 of all people with Panic disorder are women Panic attacks interfere with daily life Panic attack sudden onset of intense dread and anxiety with multiple physical symptoms Often think fear dying generally last 10 15 minutes age of onset is late teenage years early 20s After first attack may develop 1 Fear of fear fear of another attack 2 Agoraphobia fear of leaving familiar home because might have a panic attack in public or without support 2 Can you have agoraphobia without panic Yes is the minority but is possible Treatable often w o meds relaxation exposure therapy Obsessive compulsive disorder obsessions create anxiety that is relieved by performing compulsions Obsession with examples unwanted recurrent thoughts impulses images Ex Compulsion with examples repetitive ritualistic behaviors R because decrease anxiety temporary Ex Sx can fluctuate over time Treatment Mood Disorders Variations in mood Extreme sadness Mild Sadness Normal Emotions Mild Emotions Extreme Elation Depression Persistent feelings of sadness despair lose interest in sources of pleasure like food and sex unipolar depression only to sadness extreme Bipolar depression both extremes Mania Excessive excitement energy elation or irritability Major Depression Emotional sx sad hopeless despair lose interest in old pleasures Cognitive sx slow thought process difficulty concentrating or making decisions Physical and Motor sx physical pain less active problems sleeping low sex drive decreased appetite More info on depression Generally episodic tends to go away even w o treatment but it comes back Episodes vary typical 3 12 months If time limited Why treat it Can get fired because you can t get to work divorced because spouse just can t deal with it suicide risk failing classes Women 2x more likely to get depression than men lifetime prevalence 16 17 yearly risk for college students is 15 often sudden no known cause effective tx therapy and or medication 50 of people will get Tx Dysthymia more moderate depression lasts 2 years typically reaction to external stressor 3 Seasonal Affective Disorder Caused by reaction to low levels of sunlight winter Bipolar disorder Severe mood swings depression and Manic episodes Manic episodes include various Sx too Emotional elation sociable optimistic impatience irritable Cognitive racing thoughts flight of ideas delusions of grandeur impaired judgment Motor hyperactive less sleep more sex drive Behavioral may see reckless impulsive gambling shopping sex Additional Info Prevalence 1 2 5 less than depression Men and Women are equal neither more likely Age of onset late teens early 20s Most effective Tx Therapy and Medication needs mood stabilizers can t stop an episode w therapy Runs in families 5x higher chance of getting it than general public if parent or sibling has it Schizophrenia Severe disorder including disordered thinking Bizarre behavior Disrupted emotions 1 of population male female neither more likely 90 of people w schizophrenia will get treatment Cause Genetic risk neurodevelopmental disorder prenatal causes low oxygen sick mother disrupts brain development Psychotic Inability to distinguish between reality and fantasy Positive symptoms something that s in excess not a good

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