Gen Psych F12 1 2 3 Lecture Guide Chapter 12 Psychological Disorders Based in part on PsychSmart McGraw Hill 2013 Introduction What criteria are used to determine whether a disorder is present include examples Do you need all 3 Vocabulary Intern Syndrome psychology student syndrome BEWARE Treatment Diagnosis 1 Current Beliefs Bio psycho social model How many lifetime any disorder How many a year any disorder Etiology Prognosis Prevalence Most Common Disorders Psych Disorders are Whole Body Disorders Review of Select Psychological Disorders Anxiety disorders Generalized anxiety disorder Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Treatment 2 Panic attack After first attack may develop Specific Phobia Social phobia Panic disorder What percent women Obsessive compulsive disorder Obsession with examples Can you have agoraphobia without panic Compulsion with examples 2 1 3 Mood Disorders Depression Mania Major Depression Emotional sx Cog sx Physical and Motor sx More info on depression Dysthymia Seasonal Affective Disorder 4 Manic episodes include various sx too emotional cognitive behavioral motor Additional Info Bipolar disorder Schizophrenia Delusions Positive symptoms Hallucinations Del of grandeur Del of persecution Del of reference 5 Negative symptoms Typical Course Usually emerges adolescence or early adult Can be sudden or gradual Better prognosis Sudden onset Later age of onset Well adjusted before episode work social Neg sx less of a problem Healthy supportive family Follows treatment recommendations Cognitive function stays somewhat intact Schizophrenia outcome 3 groups 1 tx successful full recovery 15 20 2 Partial recovery live independent for a while but relapses and in and out of care 3 Chronic stable illness with need for long term hospitalization or special residence 6
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