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EDHD MODULE 3 CH 13 Physical and Cognitive Development in Early Adulthood 18 40 3 28 11 THEORIES OF BIOLOGICAL AGING Cumulative external factors smoking tanning vs programmed genes Organ and tissue level Cross linakage theory o Protein fibers of connective tissues bond together o Leads to loss of elasticity in body tissue clouded lenses clogged arteries damaged kidneys Gradual failure of endocrine system Declines in immune system GENDER DIFFERENCES IN SEXUAL ATTITUDES Self report data women more opposed to casual sex more men looking for play and pleasure Lifetime number of partners similar for men and women HETEROSEXUAL SEXUAL ACTIVITY IN EARLY ADULTHOOD Meeting partners Most sex in the context of relationships o About 70 only 1 partner in past year o Partners similar to each other education ethnicity religion People in relationships more satisfied Americans more sexual partners now than a generation ago o Dating less frequently marriage o Later marriage o High divorce rate LGBT IN EARLY ADULTHOOD Public acceptance growing o Majority of Americans say it s OK support civil liberties job opportunities Defense of marriage act between man and woman COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT AND CAREER CHOICES Piaget postformal operations Perry Epistemic Cognition o Dualistic Thinking o Relativistic Thinking o Commitment within Relativistic Thinking Laboubie Vief o Hypothetical pragmatic thought o Cognitive affective complexity EXPERTISE AND CREATIVITY Acquisition of extensive knowledge in a field Takes many years Affects information processing Affects creativity o Problem finding o 10 year rule o Creativity usually rises in early adulthood COLLEGE EXPERIENCE Formative influential developmental testing ground Exposure to new ideas beliefs demands leads to cognitive growth new thinking patterns o Relativistic thinking o Increased self understanding Depends on participation in campus life FACTORS INFLUENCING VOCATIONAL CHOICE Family influences Personality Teachers Gender stereotypes Access to vocational information 3 30 11 SUBSTANCE USE IN EARLY CHILDHOOD 20 of North American 21 25 year olds are substance abusers Ch 14 Social and Emotional in Early Adulthood 18 40 EMERGING ADULTHOOD Prolonged identity development delayed responsibilities o More education o Later career entry Experience o Risk behaviors Secure base shift o Parents friends romantic partner MARRIAGE 1950 average age of marriage was 20 for women and 23 for men Current 25 for women and 27 for men EMERGING ADULTHOOD VS ADULTHOOD Jeffrey Arnett o Emerging adulthood is a distinct developmental period o 18 25 years old Levinson s Early Adult Season o Dream image of self in adult world o Early adulthood life structure o Age 30 transition Men settling down Women continued instability more roles Reevaluate life structure Often focus on underdeveloped aspects Vaillant s Adaptation to Life o 20s intimacy concerns o 30s career consolidation o 40s guiding others o 50s 60s values culture o 70s spirituality reflection o Mostly men and highly educated women looking back Bernice Neugarten Life s Timetables o Life time biological o Social time social clock Expectations gender cultural Differences o Historic time political economic social events that affect what we do and when we do it MEASURING THE SECURITY OF ATTACHMENT Secure caregiver is secure base for exploration protests caregiver s departure shows clear preference for caregiver Avoidant little no distress on departure no visible response to return Resistant not easily calmed by stranger always feels anxious b c caregiver s treats stranger similarly to caregiver availability is never consistent Disorganized disoriented lack of coherent attachment shown by contradictory disoriented behaviors go to parent but won t look at them SELECTING A MATE Physical proximity Most select partners who are similar Gender differences o Women intelligence ambition financials o Men attractiveness domestic skills TRIANGULAR THEORY OF LOVE 3 components that shift in emphasis o Intimacy emotional o Passion physical psychological arousal o Commitment cognitive decision o Passionate love early companionate love later Passion gradually fades while intimacy commitment grow TRADITIONAL AND EGALITARIAN MARRIAGES Traditional clear division of roles o Women cares for husband children home o Man head of household economic support Egalitarian partners relate as equals o Share authority o Balance attention to jobs children home spouse Ch 15 Physical and Cognitive Development in Middle Adulthood 40 65 PHYSICAL Cancer o One third of US midlife deaths o Results from mutations o Often curable Cardiovascular disease o Symptoms Heart attack blockage of blood supply to heart Angina pectoris Arrhytmia o Risk conditions High blood cholesterol High blood pressure Athersclerosis o Mosca o Schulman Osteoporosis HOSTILITY AND HEALTH Expressed hostility o Frequent angry outbursts rudeness contempt o Disagreeable verbal nonverbal behavior o Characteristics of type A behavior pattern Extreme competitiveness ambition impatience hostility anger sense of time pressure Health effects o Cardiovascular problems o Depression dissatisfaction o Health complaints illnesses STRESS MANAGEMENT Problem centered coping o Identity and appraise problems See difficulties as changeable o Choose and implement potential solutions Emotion centered coping o Internal private o Control distress when problem can t be solved HARDINESS COPING ADAPTIVELY Control Commitment o Regard most experiences as controllable o Find interest and meaning in daily activities Challenge in change o View change as normal part of life chance for growth Ch 16 Emotional and Social Development in Middle Adulthood 40 65 LEVINSON S EARLY ADULT SEASON Early adult transition o Dream image of self in adult world Early adulthood life structure o Men settling down o Women continued instability more roles Age 30 transition o Reevaluate life structure o Often focus on underdeveloped aspects VAILLANT S ADAPTATION TO LIFE 20s intimacy concerns 30s career consolidation 40s guiding others 50s 60s values culture 70s spirituality reflection LEVINSON S MIDDLE ADULT SEASON Midlife transition 40 45 o Evaluate success failure o Time behind time ahead o Make drastic or small changes Conflicts o Young old Women physical attractiveness Men in blue collar work concerned about muscle decline decreased strength o Destruction creation Awareness of mortality regret legacy volunteer service o Masculinity femininity Men greater

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UMD EDHD 320 - CH. 13: Physical and Cognitive Development in Early Adulthood

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