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EDHD FINAL EXAM REVIEW CHAPTER 13 1 Statistics in sexual partners 70 only 1 partner in past year a Lifetime numbers similar for men and women 2 American LGBTQ views public acceptance growing 3 Factors influencing vocational choice a Personality b Family influences c Teachers d Gender stereotypes e Access to vocational information 4 Death rates higher in US than other industrialized nations b c of many factors higher rates of poverty and obesity more lenient gun control policies lack of universal government health insurance 5 Role of SES in higher death rates health of lower income people with limited education steadily declines 6 SES disparities in health mortality larger in US than other industrialized nations b c US families in poverty have lower incomes than those classified as poor in other countries a SES groups also likely to be segregated by neighborhood in US greater inequalities in environmental factors that affect health CHAPTER 14 7 Vaillant s Adaptation to Life a 20s intimacy concerns b 20s career consolidation c 40s guiding others d 50 60s values culture e 70s spirituality reflection 8 Midlife crisis 25 of people have had 9 Life structure with significant others individuals groups institutions 10 Split dream 11 Adjustment of children with homosexual parents held by career oriented women involve marriage and career underlying design of a person s life consisting of relationships a Children do not differ from children of heterosexuals in mental health b peer relations or gender identity Incidents of teasing bullying are rare because parents and children carefully manage information they reveal to others CHAPTER 15 12 Type A behavior hostility competitiveness ambition impatience anger time pressure 13 Causes of death in middle adulthood a Cancer 1 3 of US midlife deaths b Cardiovascular disease heart attack arrythmia etc c Osteoporosis 14 Hardiness a Control b Commitment c Challenge in change CHAPTER 16 15 Those of Mediterranean descent or low SES tend to stay at home longer 16 Feminization of poverty trend in which women who support themselves or families have become majority of adult population living in poverty regardless of age and ethnic group 17 Goals in middle adulthood make most of the years left a Divorce remarry changing careers enhanced creativity b Focus on personally meaningful living goals CHAPTER 17 1 Wisdom expertise in the conduct and meaning of life a Assumed that wisdom reaches height in old age b c of wealth of life experiences b Research results showed age is no guarantee of wisdom but life experiences made a difference c Having faced overcome adversity contributes to late life wisdom d Wisdom strong predictor of psychological well being 2 Education of elderly a Participation of elderly in continuing education has increased b Participants tend to be active well educated financially well off c Benefits learning new facts understanding new ideas in many disciplines making new friends developing broader perspective of world 3 According to Levinson in order for middle aged adults to rebuild life structure they must confront 4 developmental tasks a Young old must seek new ways of being both young and old i Changes in physical aging beauty strength focus on how he she has acted destructively b Destruction creation and how others have done the same c Masculinity femininity feminine parts of self create better balance between masculine and i Those with androgynous gender identity have better adjustment d Engagement separateness engagement with world and separateness Work less work more i Ex must forge better balance between CHAPTER 18 18 Affect optimization negative emotion a Leads to resilience in elders ability to maximize positive emotion and dampen 19 Coping strategies in the elderly making sure they fully understand their own feelings before deciding on course of action a Use emotion centered coping strategies in negatively charged situations 20 Reminiscence reporting associated thoughts and feelings telling stories about people events from the past and a Can be positive and adaptive 21 Life review calling up past experiences with the goal of achieving greater self understanding a Often done to attain ego integrity 22 Scripts of care a Dependency support script dependent behaviors are attended to immediately Independence ignore script independent behaviors mostly ignored b c Reinforce dependent behavior at the expense of independent behavior 23 4 social theories of aging a Disengagement theory society takes place in anticipation of death cause declining rates of interaction with society b Activity theory mutual withdrawal between elders and social barriers to engagement not desires of elders i When older people lose certain roles they try to find others in an effort to stay active busy c Continuity theory most aging adults strive to maintain personal system an identity and a set of personality dispositions roles skills that promotes life satisfaction by ensuring consistency between their past and anticipated future d Socioemotional selectivity theory selection processes social interaction extends lifelong i Old age contact with family and friends sustained until 80s when they gradually diminish in favor of few very close relationships ii Physical and psychological aspects of aging lead to changes in functions of social interaction CHAPTER 19 a Agonal phase gasps and muscle spasms during the first moments in 24 3 phases of death which regular heartbeat disintegrates breathing and brain functioning stop but resuscitation is still possible c Mortality b Clinical death individual passes into permanent death 25 Death with dignity quick agony free end during sleep or clear minded final short interval follows in which heartbeat circulation few moments in which they can say farewell and review their lives a Greatest dignity integrity of life that precedes it b Provide the dying with humane and compassionate care c Be candid about death s certainty d Doctors can help the dying learn about their condition to make reasoned choices about whether to continue treatment 26 Death anxiety fear and apprehension of death a Low among adults with deep faith in some form of higher force being 27 Common places of death a Home b Hospital c Nursing home d Hospice 28 Euthanasia condition practice of ending the life of a person suffering from an incurable a Passive euthanasia treatment allowing the patient to die naturally at patient s request doctor withholds withdraws i

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