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EDSP 470 0101 Final Exam Review Final Exam Not cumulative and only on the following areas Similar to the Mid term Exam there will be multiple choice true false matching of key terms or laws short answer fill in the blank and an Essay on how we diagnose Learning Disabilities and why we use RTI what is reading intervention ADHD 1 Different forms diagnosis of ADD ADHD and combines type ADHD combined type Inattention hyperactivity and impulsivity are present for at least six months ADD Predominately Inattentive Type Inattention present for at least six months ADHD Predominately Hyperactivity Impulsive Type hyperactivity and impulsivity are present for at least six months 2 How are kids with ADHD typically eligible for special education services ADHD must adversely affect a child s educational performance Coexisting emotional and mental disorders or learning disabilities Emotional disturbance Developmental delays Social Failure 3 Diagnosis of ADHD Health care professionals such as the family doctor and clinical psychologists are involved Clinical and psychological interviews and assessments are used with the child the parents and teachers and quantified through rating scales and other instruments Direct information from parents and teachers through the use of behavioral assessments and rating scales o Child Behavior Checklist developed by Achenbach o BASC TRS and SSQ Child s behavior or parental concern Initial referral Complete evaluation and diagnostic analysis Medical examination Some evidence suggests that rater s own characteristics influence ratings of problem behavior 4 Characteristics of ADHD Self Regulation Impulsivity and Hyperactivity o Self regulation the ability to think through one s actions to see what the consequences will be o Hyperactivity must be present for at least six months and must be of such severity to cause maladaptive problems Social Relationships o Difficulties with peer relationships o Aggression o Anti social behavior EDSP 470 0101 Final Exam Review o Low social status among peers o Increased criminal activity o Substance abuse Academic Characteristics o Significant challenges in an academic setting o Problems increase as the child progresses in the educational system o Academic performance effects other areas o Adolescents with ADHD often do not graduate from high school unless provided an environment that adapts instruction to the student s needs and abilities 5 Possible Causes Neurological causes could be brain injuries or chemical imbalances o Abnormalities in the frontal lobes basal ganglia and the cerebellum o Chemical functioning of the brain may be a causal agent Environmental factors o Lead exposure o Poor maternal or fetal health o Poor prenatal care o Fetal exposure to tobacco or alcohol Heredity and ADHD 6 Interventions Behavioral and Medical The elementary school years o Use of psychostimulants Improve the behavior of 80 percent of children with ADHD More successful that non medical interventions Rarely lead to an improvement in academic performance CONS Over prescribed Given in incorrect doses Potential for abuse Possible side effects Long term effects o Targeted behavior modification interventions appear to be more successful than cognitive behavioral interventions o Structuring pedagogy and the classroom setting can lead to academic improvement difficulty o Academic interventions must target the area where the child is experiencing o Strategies involving a good deal of structure along with explicit one on one hands on learning may be beneficial o A multimodal approach is more effective Both drug and behavior therapies EDSP 470 0101 Final Exam Review Communication Adolescence and adulthood o ADHD is now understood to have lifelong affects Medication Adaptations and accommodations Counseling Behavior modification Open communication Specific learning strategies ED 1 Are mental health diagnoses always a cause for ED diagnosis in school aged children Causation o The biophysical approach Behavior disorders surface as a function of some physiological biochemical or genetic abnormality or disease o The psychoanalytical approach Subconscious processes predispositions or instincts and early traumatic experiences explain the presence of behavior disorders o The behavioral approach This approach focuses on aspects of the environment that produce reward diminish or punish certain behaviors o The phenomenological approach Abnormal behaviors arise from feelings thoughts and past events tied to a person s self concept o The sociological ecological approach Aberrant behaviors are caused by a variety of interactions and transactions in the environment o NO mental health diagnoses are not always a cause for ED diagnosis in school Differential association aged children 2 How are students with ED diagnosed Do they all have some level cognitive impairment Screening o Identifies those most in need of potential treatment o Provides the opportunity for early treatment o A significant number of children and youth with E BD are not identified o New screening approaches Multiagent Multimethod Multigated o Systematic Screening for Behavior Disorders SSBD Pre referral Interventions o Address identified behavioral and academic problems and reduce the likelihood of a further more restrictive actions or placements o Developed planned and implemented under the direction of a multidisciplinary collaborative team initiated by the teacher processed by the EDSP 470 0101 Final Exam Review Assessment Factors principal passed to psychologist or team leader and assessment begins upon consent of parent o Many states now require pre referral interventions before formal referrals o The actual referral is preceded by a number of parent teacher conferences o IDEA requires assessment teams to conduct functional behavioral assessments identify the functions of a behavior in relationship to various settings Provides a foundation for behavior intervention plans BIP to assist the child or youth in developing new more adaptive behaviors Provide new curricular and instructional approaches Assessment Techniques o Identification Screening of children and youth with E BD o Functional behavioral assessment o Behavior checklists o Interviews o Sociometric devices o Strength based assessment 3 How is Academic Achievement impacted with school aged students who have ED Fail more classes Not prepared to pass state or federally mandated tests Dropout rate 51 70 Low graduation rate 25 29 Low

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