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Gerontology September 5 2012 Challenge Changing Family Structure Fewer children fewer caregivers Changes in divorced population Childlessness Remember Majority of oldest old are female Challenge Shifts in Work Retirement Increase in the years spent retired Will Baby Boomers remain in the workforce longer Increases in retirement age retraining Opportunity Evolving Social Insurance Systems Raising age eligible for Social Security o U S Ages 62 65 increasing to 67 Strain on social programs for older adults Dependency ratio proportion of employed to dependent portions of population Challenge Growing Burden of Chronic Disease Chronic diseases Heart disease cancer and diabetes Alzheimer s disease Age 85 Oldest Old o Multiple chronic conditions High disability rates o 1 5 of total population use 16 1 of Medicare o Use most long term care services o Predicted increase in long term care services in the future Opportunity New Roles for Older Adults Older adults have what everyone else lacks TIME The Aging Opportunity Match between older adults time society s needs AGEISM Definition Systematic stereotyping of and discrimination against people because they are old similar to racism or sexism OR Ageism occurs when there is any prejudice or discrimination against or in favor of an age group Attitudinal Stereotypes and beliefs All elderly people are Older adults may internalize these attitudes Behavioral Discrimination At some point we will all be vulnerable to the effects of ageism Inappropriate negative treatment Theoretical Basis of Ageism 1 Fear of death in Western society 2 Emphasis on the youth culture 3 Emphasis on productivity 4 Manner in which ageing originally researched Problems with Ageism Prevents full participation in o Social Networks o Occupation o Families Intersects with other systems of inequality Outcomes of Ageism Isolation from the community Inadequate housing income Unnecessary institutionalization Untreated mental physical illnesses New Ageism Tendency to help older adults because all older people must need help Ageism in the Media Images have improved over time but older adults remain underrepresented in films TV Ageism takes many forms 1 Medina 2 Relationships 3 Healthcare 4 Workplace Anti aging Ads Pressure to hide signs of aging Justify ageism Gender and the Media Women Appearance Men Performance Interactions with family members can be demoralizing to older adults Ageism and Relationships Too much care promote excessive dependence Often excuse patronizing behavior of family Medical Ageism Physicians and older patients Limit number of older patients Invest less time with older patients Older women s concerns trivialized Mental Health Prescriptions vs Therapy Geriatrics Poorly reimbursed Long term care Options and funding Ageism and Employment Age based employment discrimination More entrenched than other types of discrimination Fastest growing form of complaints to Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

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KSU GERO 14029 - Gerontology

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