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Cheat Sheet For Test 1 Study Guide The Musical Elements melody rhythm dynamics harmony Texture Form And all their vocabulary words shape smooth angular disjunct conjunct interval repetition phrase cadence range register style Meter tempo Forte piano crescendo decrescendo Consonant Dissonant Monophonic Homophonic Polyphonic Know the names of the forms recognize that they are forms Instruments of the Orchestra strings woodwinds percussion brass Violin viola cello double bass string quartet bow bridge length of string pizzicato Arco Trumpet French Horn Trombone Tuba mouthpiece buzzing articulation slurred Woodwinds ute oboe clarinet bassoon single and double reed length of column Percussion timpani mallets SATB Cheat Sheet for Test 2 Study Guide The Middle Ages 600 1450 In Paradisum Alleluia Columba Aspexit La douza votz Sacred vs Secular Gregorian chant Notre Dame Organum Troubadours Pope Gregory Liturgy Plainchant melismatic syllabic Organum Troubadour Song The Renaissance Pre Reformation 1450 1600 Ave Marie Stella Pange Lingua Mass Renaissance style Pre Reformation Acapella vocal timbre SATB point of imitation how melodies are constructed from Gregorian chant adding rhythm and meter Recognizing Renaissance masters of art architecture and music Hymn Mass Cheat Sheet for Test 3 Study Guide The Renaissance Post Reformation 1450 1600 Pope Marcellus Mass Brandenburg Concerto Well tempered Clavier Julius Caesar La Giustizio Messiah Martin Luther Printing Press Reading New textures Polyphony saved The Baroque 1600 1750 The new Instrumental Category Vivaldi Concerti Contrast Doubled Bass Line Perpetual Motion Improvisation Prelude and Fugue Subject Clavier Equal Temperament Movement Cadenza Baroque Concerto Solo and Grosso Castrati virtuosi Opera Houses a ections coloratura Libretto Librettist Opera Seria aria recitative da Capo Aria Cheat Sheet for Test 4 Study Guide The Classical Period 1750 1825 Mozart Symphony 40 in g I Don Giovanni Symphony 5 Characteristics Balance Elegance Objectivity Homophony Beauty Pursuit of Happiness The Classical Orchestra Crescendo Decrescendo the Enlightenment The concert Hall Beautiful Melodies Symphonic Form Sonata Form Theme and Variations Minuet Opera Bu a Opera Seria Ensemble Aria Sonata Form Exposition Development Recapitulation Transition to Romantic Beethoven and The Transformation of the Symphony Scherzo coda Emotionalism Both Classical and Romantic Heiligenstadt Testament motivic writing Accents Victory Survival Belief Cheat Sheet for Test 5 Study Guide The Romantic Period 1825 1880 Erlking Symphony Fantastique Romeo and Juliet Rigoletto The Early Romantics the Lied Program Symphony 5 mvts Tchaikovsky and the Ballet Russian Characteristics NeoClassicism and Brahms Verdi as a national Institution Ensemble Aria Bel Canto Aria and Name that Time Period Cheat Sheet for Test 6 Study Guide The Twentieth Century 1880 1925 Images Rite of Spring Pierrot Lunaire Rhapsody on a Theme of PaganinI Impressionism Tonality by Assertion Primitivism Polytonality Atonalism Emancipation of Dissonance Tone Row 20th Century Forms and Size of Orchestra

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