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Human Sexual Responding Masters and Johnson s Research Looked at o Differences between animals and humans o What actually happens with the body How did they do it o Instruments to measure vasocongestion how much blood and myotonia muscle tension o Penile Strain Gauge Measures penile circumference o Vaginal Photoplethysmograph Measures amount of light reflected back o Measures heart rate blood pressure other ital signs o Asked subjective questions also What did they find o 4 phases EPOR model Excitement Arousal increasing Increased Physiological changes Vasocongestion o Men Penile Erection Thicken scrotal area Swollen testes o Women Clitoris swells Breast enlarge Labia minora darkens o Sex flush Reddening of skin chest thighs face Miotonia Erection o Muscle tension Plateau Men Glands will darken Calpers glands excrete alkaline liquid o Does contain live sperm o Nourishment for sperm o Cleaning out urethra Women Tenting o Vagina becomes more widely V shaped top widens opening narrows Allow semen to pool Orgasm Sharp increase in arousal reaches its peak Men Emission o All fluids gather and everything contracts to create the emission o Ejaculatory Inevitability The point of no return All reflexive after this point no voluntary control Expulsion subjective orgasm o Contractions force emission out o Contractions 0 8 second the urethra intervals After Glow burst of oxytocin o Feel good properties sense of wellbeing Are men and women different Orgasm is a human experience not a gender experience same for men and women Orgasms Refractory Anatomical differences o Who can have multiple orgasms Women can more easily able to experience multiple orgasms no refractory period Men multiple climaxes without ejaculation o Who can ejaculate Men and Women 40 50 o PVI and female orgasm Missionary No clitoris stimulation 70 do not consistently orgasm with PVI G spot Similar to prostate tissue Bean shaped soft tissue swells Can be stimulized digitally Different but intense orgasm 80 Orgasm are part of the sexual experience and also have health benefits Less likely to die lower mortality Better heart function testosterone Lower levels of breast cancer Lower prostate cancer Higher immune function Help sleep youthfulness

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OSU PSYCH 2333 - Human Sexual Responding

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