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Physiology is the study of how organ systems organs tissues cells and biomolecules carry out the chemical or physical functions in a living system Ex How the body works to live Exercise physiology is the study of how these functions are altered when we are exposed to acute and chronic bouts of exercise Subfield of physiology concerned with the changes in body s function The study of short term and long term responses of different parts of the The preservation of fitness and the role of fitness in the prevention and caused by physical activity body and as a whole treatment of disease Acute Exercise Changes in the body that occur during a single bout of exercise Examples of changes in the body breathing depth frequency heart rate Muscle bed vasodilatation Organ bed vasoconstriction O2 extraction from blood Benefits of exercising Cognitive Function Improves cognitive function Information processing and memory function Ex BDNF is released in the brain BDNF enhances neuron health for learning and memory Mood Behavior Blood Pressure Reduces transient depressive symptoms anxiety Improves mood in the general population Ex exercise increases endorphin release Post exercise resting systolic and diastolic BP preex Ex vasodilatation of small arteries in the working muscles Chronic Exercise Alterations in the structure and functions of the body that occur in response to regular exercise Homeostasis Maintenance of a steady constant internal environment Changes in the body resting HR ventilation stroke volume blood heart pumps each beat blood pressure muscle mass of capillaries to muscles bones thickness ability of muscle to use oxygen Q VO2 during maximal exercise How much is needed to get results Exercise Prescription o Type of exercise duration intensity frequency Cognitive Function o High intensity aerobic exercise 1 5 2 hrs BDNF released Dehydration and nutrient depletion Mood Behavior be beneficial o Research not as conclusive with high intensity exercise Blood Pressure o 5 minutes of low moderate intensity exercise o Moderate exercise 50 60 of max for at least 10 15 minutes shown to Goals of exercise physiology To examine what happens to the body during exercise and understand how those responses occur and what adaptations take place This knowledge is then used to develop exercise programs designed to Promote maintain health Function ability ability to perform activities of daily living Optimal aging Disease prevention Maintain health status Reduce prevent chronic diseases Assess functional performance Improve medical prognosis and sport work performance Exercise as a medicine Chronic disease Metabolic Syndrome Cardiopulmonary disease Musculoskeletal issues Cancer Asthma Depression Type 1 Diabetes Exercise can effect Disease pathogenesis Symptoms of condition Physical fitness strength Quality of life Question 1 Which of the following is affected most by weightlessness a Bone density Exercise stimulation Biomechanical stress Laminar shear stress increase nitric oxide production Osmotic pressures attachment of cytoskeleton Muscle contraction muscle hypertrophy Muscle relaxation muscular remodeling Oxidative stress ROS generation improving redox state Metabolic stimulation Hypoxic condition in skeletal muscle angiogenesis neovascularization Bio energetic stress mitochondria biogenesis modifying fuel selection and metabolic deficiency Intracellular E balance Thermal stress Hormonal challenge Immune response What is exercise science Umbrella term that involves activities of daily living that include all movement that humans Physical activity perform Exercise and performance Sport Athletic performance structured movement process for the purpose of improving fitness movement in structured and organized activities that involves a competitive aspect common characertistics include a movement of the body b adaptations to movement acute and chronic adaptations Biomechanics History Archimedes 287 212 BS Buoyancy force Levers simple machine used to gain mechanical advantage 1 law of levers effort force x Mae Mar x Resistance force Effort torque resistance torque Galen 101 201 BC Muscles cause movement Newton 1642 1727 3 laws of motion Newton 1 Moment of Inertia I An objects resistance to rotational motion Depends on objects Mass m Where the mass is concentrated with respect to the Axis of Rotation k Newton 2 F MA Muybridge 1800s early 1900s motion analysis Biomechanics instrumentation Motion analysis and EMG 1 Records and analyzes joint movements during activities a EMG measure electrical activity within a muscle Increase muscle contraction and tension force produced Types surface emg fine wire emg 1 Electromechanical delay EMD measure of the elasticity of your connective tissue around your muscle Gender differences possible predisposing factor for females ACL injuries History of physical activity time periods 1840 1900 post civil war reconstruction Industrialization Growth of science and technology Civil War Urbanization Religious and philosophical belief One s body mind and soul are an integrated whole Vigorous physical activity stressed for boys and men Straining too hard considered unladylike and dangerous for women s physical health particularly reproductive health School programs were gymnastics based Sports Belief sports can develop moral character Started as low key intramural activities clubs Student run intercollegiate competition grows crew 1843 Y H baseball 1859 A W American football 1869 R P and track and field 1879 2 mile race Campus administrators faculty and coaches take control 1900 1950 transition from agrarian to industrial society urbanization WWI WWII Women s right to vote 1920 Mass production increase of consumer goods Depression 1929 World War I 1914 1918 World War II 1939 1945 Era of tremendous growth in Physical Education Programs German gymnastics Swedish exercises programs expanded to include games sports aquatics dance and outdoor activities in PE curriculums Thomas Wood Columbia and Stanford wrote about the development of the whole individual through physical education 1920 s corrective physical education offered 1950 2000 transition from industrial to information based economy development of the suburbs and control of infectious disease 1953 report over 60 of American children failed a fitness test as compared to less than 10 of European children 1958 Exercise prescribed for President Eisenhower following his heart attacks 1960 President Kennedy founded the President s

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TEMPLE KINS 1223 - Physiology

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