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Drilling personnel and drilling contracts Operator manages all activity on the lease includes planning the well obtaining drilling permits request competitive bids hires crew Drilling contractor owns and operates the rig Toolpusher top manager on the drill site responsible for the rigs overall operations and performance derrickhand and rotary helpers Driller operates drilling machinery Also manages the day to day activities of the Derrickhand has two jobs looks after the mud pumps and sometimes monitors and records the condition of drilling mud The derrickhand handles the top of the pipe from a small platform high in the derrick when it is being removed or put in the hole repair tools on the rig Rotary Helpers floor hands roughnecks handle the bottom of the pipe from the rig floor when pipe is being removed or put At other times may help mainaint and Roustabouts assist in loading and unloading equipment and supplies delivered by boat to the rig Also responsible for keeping rig painted clean and repaired Footage contract meterage contract the operator agrees to pay the contractor a certain amount for each foot or metre of hole drilled Day work Contract The operator pays the contractor an amount per day to use the rig regardless of what work the rig is performing Paid by hour instead of foot Turnkey Contract Requires the operator to pay the contractor an agreed amount when the well is finished Combination agreement Combines multiple payment methods Drilling systems Hoisting system hoist the drill pope in and out of the hole and supports the drill pipe keeping it in tension Consist of Derrick the post Drawworks spool or crank and Drilling line the rope Rotating system includes all the equipment that turns the bit The primary element of a rotating system is top drive or rotary table Rotary table located on the rig floor the the rotary table creates a strong force called torque rotating the drill bit Swivel hangs from the drilling hook on the bottom of the traveling block by means of a large bail or handle The outside does not rotate but the inside does It supports drilling string and is a conduit for drilling fluid allowing everything to rotate Top Drive Used on large rigs replacing rotary table and conventional swivel setup IT hangs from the traveling block and has its own heavy duty motor Drill collar used to add weight and support drill pipe Drill Pipe 30 ft joints most common diameter is 3 5 4 5 and 5 inches Pipe dope special alloy grease put on the threads of tool joints pipe and collar connections Drill bit drills the formation rock dislodging it so that drilling fluid can circulate the fragmented material and bring it back to the surface Circulating system pumps drilling fluid down the hole through a series of pipes Drilling fluid drilling mud is a mixture of water clay and specific minerals and chemicals to help perform task Mud cools and lubricates the bit as it drills Also exerts hydrostatic pressure inside the hole to keep from in the formation entering the hole and escaping to the surface The power system Provides power to run circulating rotating and hoisting system Prime movers Internal combustion engine Mechanical drive in a mechanical drive a collection of pulleys belts or chains connect each diesel or gas engine to the rig components requiring power Electrical Drive Diesel engines drive large electric generators on electric silicon control rectifier rigs The generators produce alternating current electricity that flows through cables to a control house called an SCR house In the SCR house the AC current is converted to direct current and is transformed to the correct voltage required by every electric component on the rig Spudding in Drilling begins when all preparations are complete Casing order 1 Conductor pipe 2 Surface casing 3 Intermediate casing 4 Production casing Open hole completion has no production casing or liner set through the production formation Limited to reservoirs in which the reservoir rock will not collapse or fall apart and fill up the hole when fluid flows through Case and Perforated completion This type of completion requires the production casing to be run completely past the reservoir and cemented in place The connection between the inside of the casing and the producing reservoir is made by perforating holes through the casing and cement Tubingless completion Well is allowed to produce by flowing to surface through the production casing Tubing smaller pipe run inside production casing Final string of casing Not cemented like casing but hangs on wall head from surface Packer Can be used to seal the bottom of tubing It can protect the production casing from high pressure simulation treatment and exposure to reservoir fluids

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LSU PETE 1010 - Drilling personnel and drilling contracts

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