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EXAM 1 The Little Ice Age 1300 1850 Growing season dramatically shorter Rivers froze solid Life span of average man 40 years Women 35 years o Half of all children died before the age of 5 o Small animals little manure little fertilizer small crops 80 of people during this time were peasants o Did not own the land they worked sharecroppers 40 of males could write their names 10 of women could Transportation Communication o Single big invention printing press Other than that no other way besides person to person 17 of people were townspeople o Artisans shoemakers cabinetmakers etc Guild system designed as a way of guaranteeing that there would not be too much competition and guaranteeing quality of product Start as an apprentice age 6 or 7 to a master shoemaker Apprenticeship lasts 10 years Then a journeyman few people who did much traveling Go from town to town to learn new techniques Other artisans judge her masterpiece to determine whether or not he is qualified to be a master shoemaker o Simple urban workers o Bourgeoisie Wealthy people of the town Professionals lawyers doctors bankers and traders 3 of people are nobles o Privilege based on birth o Do not have to pay any direct taxes o Nobles owned 50 of all land 1 Church o Pope Cardinals o All of Europe was divided into dioceses archdiocese Run by a bishop archbishop And then divided into parishes which get priests o Every person was required to give 10 of his or her income tithe In reality was about 1 12 o In 1500 the Pope s income was higher than the entire ruler s of Europe combined European Map England London o Thames o Ruled by the Tudors o Oxford Cambridge France Paris o Seine o Ruled by Valois o Surbonne Spain Madrid Surbonne Russia Named after personal library donated by Richard o Put together in 1492 by Ferdinand and Isabella o Eastern Orthodox o 200 years behind Europe in development o Tsar Boyars Peasants serfs slaves No limits on tsars powers No country called Italy until 1861 o North Capital of Piedmont Savoy Turin Lombardi Milan wealthy Venetia Venice o South of these Parma Modena Romagna Tuscany Florence o Under these Papal State capital Rome o South of Papal State to Sicily called Kingdom of Two Sicilies Or Kingdom of Naples Naples being the capital o Islands west of Italy Corsica Sardinia Germany in 1871 rulers Germany composed of 400 450 countries Country on map called o The German Princes collective name for all of Germany s o Rhine River o Most rivers in Germany run to the north o Two large countries that reach outside of Germany non German populations Northeast Prussia Southest Austria Vienna capital Danube river runs east o Saxony Bavaria Bade Wurttenburg Macklenburg Hanover o Most powerful family Habsburgs who ruled Austria and Lombardi and Spain and the Netherlands and the America gold and silver By 1500 the Habsburgs were powerful than anyone including the Pope because of silver o Hohenzollern family o Around 800 Charlemagne was crowned Holy Roman Emperor HRE the most important ruler in Germany Dignity not power Does not mean you rule Germany by the Pope at Christmas Poland between Russia and Germany very old dates back to the o Capital Warsaw And the University of Cracow All of Europe with the exception of Russia called itself Christian 1300 Innocent holds two sword signifying the ruling of the whole Middle Ages world 1305 Armed banned of knights sent to Rome by Philip IV to prohibit pope from taxing France Pope was killed Successor moves papacy near France to show obedience Avignon Papacy 75 years 1305 1378 Italian Cardinals elect pope to stay in Rome Other Cardinals elect pope for Avignon Two popes each calling each other heretics anti Christ o Papal schism 1378 o Eventually the bishops and archbishops 1417 got a General Council as many bishops and archbishops as can be together Only thing in the entire church that supersedes the Pope together Elect a pope of their own but neither old popes want to leave and neither does new pope 3 popes In 1481 General Council gets rid of all 3 popes and elects 1 new pope 1348 Black Death Until 1378 1 3 and of all people in Europe died from Black Death Priests died in astonishingly high numbers because they had to perform Last Rites Desperate need of priests causes corruption and unfit priests 1400s Italy s Renaissance Rebirth of trade the economy learning etc Popes ruling the Papal State the spiritual and country Coconna Family Martin V Decca Rover Family Julius II o Hired Michelangelo to paint Sistine Chapel o Led Papal soldiers into battle Borgia Family Cacixtus III Alexander VI Medici Family Leo X Clement VII Relic collections Artifacts Educated people figured a relic could have power because of disbelief in witchcraft Relic collectors o Grand duke of Saxony Frederick the Wise Largest relic collection in Europe 177 228 relics catalogued like library books 47 pieces of the Holy Innocence children killed by Herod looking for the Christ child 2 feathers from Holy Ghost 1 nail from the Holy Cross o Louis XI Spider King Caught people in his web of intrigue Early Church Devotio Moderna St Thomas A Kempis Education Greek language the New Testament was first written in Erasmus of Rotterdam hero o Most educated man around 1500 o Traveled monastery to monastery to find earliest version of each book in the New Testament so that he could come up with the earliest version Then translated it into Latin o Every page had three columns Greek His translation official church translation History 1003 Exam 1 Notes Russia 1500 Russia was at least 200 years behind the rest of Europe o Czar came from Romanov family o Moscow was the capital 1450 Romanov family led Russia to escape rule from Central Asians to independence Russian czars had no limits on their power and frequently do terrible things o Almost entirely undeveloped o Serfs slaves sold with the land o Eastern Orthodox Italy Germany Name of a peninsula didn t become a country until 1861 Divided into many small countries Lombardi capital Milan Venicia capital Venice Papal State Rome Romagna Parma Modena Tuscany Capital Florence South of Rome Kingdom of Two Sicilies or Kingdom of Naples No country called Germany until 1871 About 400 countries in 1500 many smaller than LSU rulers called King Grand Duke Geographic expression part of Europe where German is spoken Margrave etc Havsburgs Family oldest ruling family in Europe they going to last for a long time Had a lot of power ruled Austria Spain and Netherlands divided also a lot

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LSU HIST 1003 - EXAM 1

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