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11 February 2014 Court Dance 18th Century French Court Characteristics Secular activity Entertainment Reinforced social standards TOUCH proximity physical contact changed with progression of time Folk dance polished by the nobility 14th Century Italian Court Catherine de Medici 1519 1589 o Italian born French queen brought ballet to Italy Balthasar de Beaujoyeulx 1535 1587 o Composer Ballet Comique de la Reine o The Queen s Ballet Comedy was produced at the Louvre in 1581 o One of the first fully produced ballets o Done for the marriage of Marguerite de Lorraine sister of Queen Louise to the duc de Joyeuse o A long week of ceremonies and entertainments main performance about 5 hours o A spectacular party or fete that included Food Dance Music D cor Story o A series of entrances o The theme was similar to Homer s Odyssey based on Greek mythology o In addition to the symbolism of the characters there was an emphasis on cosmic order the courts royalty most to least 18th Century French Court Sun King King Louis XIV 1638 1715 Placed dance at the forefront of court culture Characteristics o Splendor everything highlighted by dance o Refined Elegance properness precise o Harmony everything comes together balanced o Opulent Ornamentation everything was spectacular detail o Nobility of Mind Body 11 February 2014 Space between bodies Upright posture Intricate steps Interlaced floor patterns One couple at a time in social order like a wedding lowest first Louis XIV French court ballet at its peak reigned 1643 1715 Louis required that all noble people lived at court if you didn t you were suspected of conspiracy 1669 created the Royal Academy of Music and Dance Academie Royale de Musique et de Dance 1669 Jean Baptiste Lully developed the 5 positions of the feet Established by Louis XIV A way to further the dance training in France This became the Paris Opera world famous company and school Preparing new dance masters Who participates in it Nobility What are its unique movement characteristics 5 steps What was King Louis XIV trying to accomplish through his demands that everyone do court dance To show his power and the power of the country NOTICE Use of space Relationship to time through music Level of energy very controlled refine elegance

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