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Section 1 Chronological Order History 1003 Final 1 Russian Revolution 1917 2 NEP 1921 3 Hyperinflation in Germany 1922 4 March on Rome 1922 5 Beer Hall Putsch 1923 6 Stalin Collectivizes USSR 1928 7 Hitler comes to power 1933 8 Kristallnacht 1938 9 Hitler annexes Austria 1938 10 Operation Barbarossa 1941 11 Wannsee Conference 1942 12 Hungarian Revolution crushed by USSR 1956 13 Building of the Berlin Wall 1961 14 Prague Spring 1968 15 Solidarity formed in Poland 1980 16 Gorbachev comes to power 1985 17 Fall of Berlin Wall 1989 18 Velvet Revolution 1989 19 Breakup of the USSR 1991 20 Yugoslavian Civil War begins 1992 DO NOT HAVE YEARS FOR SOVEREIGN DEBT SPRING AND THE FIRST CHECHEN WAR Section 2 Fill in the Blanks 1 Mikhail Gorbachev and bringing down the Berlin Wall Head of the Soviet Union during its downfall famous for glasnost 2 Jan Palach caused by occupation Set himself on fire in Prague as a protest to the demoralization of the citizens 3 Nikita Kruschev Lead the Soviet Union 53 64 partially responsible for the destalinization liberal reform oversaw the construction of the Berlin Wall wrote the secret speech condemning some of Stalin s practices and ushering in a less repressive era 4 Anschluss connecting joining together 5 Perestroika economic reconstruction 6 Tito Josef Broz malevolent dictator because of his success and popular economic policies Revolutionary dictator president of Yugoslavia recognized as a 7 Winston Churchill suggested the idea of the iron curtain causing the cold war Britain Prime Minister wanted America to get involved in WW2 8 Hungarian Communist Politician not backed by or occupied by the Soviets Imre Nagy eventually was taken over by Russia He was tried in a secret trial found guilty and executed 9 Nuremberg Trials 12 officials for crimes against humanity trial of high ranking Nazis after WW2 resulting in the execution of 10 War Guilt Clause starting the war on Germany reparations would be paid by Germany of UK and France Clause 231 in the Treaty of Versailles that places full responsibility of 11 Yalta Conference postwar Europe Soviet involvement in the pacific war war with Japan and also discuss the future of Germany after the war 1945 Roosevelt Churchill and Stalin gathered in Russia to discuss 12 Berlin Airlift carried more than 2 3 million tons of cargo supplies US and Allies supplied West Berlin from the air lasted more than a year 13 Katyn Forest Massacre Polish Service Personnel that had been taken prisoner when the Soviets invaded Poland in 1939 1940 Stalin ordered the NKVD to shoot and bury over 4000 14 Truman Doctrine 1947 President Harry Truman established that the US would provide political military and economical assistance to all democratic nations under threat from external internal authoritarian forces 15 Night of the Long Knives oath of loyalty SA was led by Rohm who was also removed because Hitler was threatened by his power 1934 Hitler removed SA leaders and forced the army to say an 16 Hitler Stalin Pact surprising to the world given the leader s opposing ideas 1939 Hitler and Stalin signed a non aggression pact This was 17 March on Rome Planned to use force but the King compromised with Mussolini 1922 Mussolini and the Fascist party he led wanted to run Italy 18 Orange Revolution Series of protests and political events that took place in Ukraine from November 2004 January 2005 this was the aftermath of the run off vote of the 2004 Ukrainian Presidential Election protests occurred because the votes were rigged a fair and free revote was held 19 Show Trials highly publicized trial in which the outcome has been decided beforehand Most prominently used in Stalin s regime in the 1930s and in eastern Europe satellite states in the late 1940s and early 1950s 20 Boris Yeltsin 1991 99 Russian politician and the first president of the Russian Federation from 21 D tente the easing of hostility of strained relations especially between countries 22 Marshall Plan American Initiative to aid Europe in which US gave support post WW2 23 European Union Creation of the Euro as a single currency 24 Mussolini Italian politician journalist and leader of the National Fascist Party 25 Beer Hall Putsch over by targeting the Munich first and then march on red Berlin 70 000 members of the NSDAP in Bavaria in 1923 attempted to take 26 Appeasement to bring to a state of peace quiet ease calm 27 Auschwitz largest concentration camp Concentration camp and extermination camp used for Jews by the Nazis 28 T 4 Program Stands for Tiregarten 4 the address of the Berlin Headquarters of the Nazi euthanasia program Under T 4 Program the Nazi s began murdering mentally and physically handicapped people in 1939 officially stopped in Germany as a result of public pressure though continued unofficially to 1945 29 Bretton Woods System Conference into effect after WW2 in which the US dollar served as the world s reserve currency allowing international trade without extreme currency fluctuation The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund were also established to facilitate economic growth and grant loans to countries for currency stabilization The economic framework signed in 1944 and put 30 Collectivization large cooperatives under state management soviet policy starting in the late 1920s of replacing private farms with 31 Sovereign Debt Crisis Euro Crisis involving dangerously high levels of national debt accumulation most notably in Greece and southern European countries financial crisis among European states since 2009 32 Kristallnacht German Nazis attacked Jewish people and property or night of the broken glass on the night of Nov 9 10 1938 when 33 Charles De Gaulle office until 1969 French war hero who returned to power in Jan 1959 and remained in 34 Red Army Russian National Military Forces from 1918 to 1946 35 Srebrenica many Muslims had fled to during the Yugoslavian war this was a safe zone deemed by the UN that 36 Operation Barbarossa named after the crusader king Frederick Barbarossa Hitler organized the largest military action in history against the Soviets some 3 2 million soldiers swarmed across the border along a line that stretched nearly 600 miles The air assault was equally gigantic 37 Kulaks a peasant in Russia wealthy enough to own a farm and hire labor Emerging after the emancipation of serfs in the 19th century the kulaks resisted Stalin s forced collectivization but millions were arrested exiled or killed 38 Maastricht Treaty treaty

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LSU HIST 1003 - Final

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