History 1203 Test Reviews History 2013 sec 6 Dr Patrick Williams Study Guide and Essay Topic First Midterm Examination Feb 21 2014 I The United States in 1877 A Make sure you understand the different ways in which 1876 77 can be understood as a turning point in U S history Identify Reconstruction 14th and 15th Amendments to the U S Constitution the Compromise of 1877 Little Bighorn the Great Strike of 1877 II Old and New North and South A Be able to suggest how revolutions in transportation and communication other technological advances and the growth of industry after the Civil War affect Americans daily lives and livelihoods How does business organization change and why does that concern so many Americans Identify railroads telegraph corporations vertical integration trusts electricity monopoly Standard Oil John D Rockefeller Andrew Carnegie J P Morgan U S Steel B Make sure you understand how the American environment and population particularly in the Northeast and industrial Midwest are remade by urban growth and immigration How and why do large cities emerge and what are some of the most significant characteristics of urban life Why do immigrants come to the U S in such great number and how do the sources of immigration change after 1890 Identify the new immigrants C Make sure you know what replaces slavery as the system by which the most important southern crop cotton is grown and why industrial and agricultural development in the South after 1877 put relatively little money in the pockets of southerners Identify sharecropping tenant farming colonial economy extractive industry III The New West the New Commonwealth A Make sure you understand the goals of U S policymakers when it came to the American Indian population after 1877 Identify Dawes Severalty Act Ghost Dance Be prepared to indicate very generally how industrial and agricultural development and population change in the Plains Rocky Mountain and Pacific coast states after 1877 are similar to and distinct from the same processes in other American regions Know what role the federal government plays in developing the West in the decades following 1877 Identify Newlands Act Chinese Exclusion Act B Be able to outline in general terms what the Republican and Democratic parties stand for between 1877 and 1896 who votes for them and why and where they are strongest Make sure you have a sense of what the federal government does and does not do before 1900 and how the political debates of the times relate to larger developments in economic and social life Identify Social Darwinism laissez faire the protective tariff Interstate Commerce Act Sherman Antitrust Act C Make sure you understand what is at issue in the Money Question and why it preoccupies so many Americans between 1877 and 1896 Which Americans support an expanded money supply and why and what is the appeal of the gold standard Identify gold standard greenbacks free silver D Be able to indicate very generally the goals of the farmers and labor organizations that emerge after 1877 Identify the Farmers Alliances the subtreasury plan the Knights of Labor the American Federation of Labor Populism IV The 1890s Political Social and International Conflict A Understand why the People s Party might be regarded as the most comprehensive challenge to the two party system between the Civil War and the present day why its demands were regarded as radical at the time and which parts of the American population it most appeals to and who it generally fails to reach Be able to describe in general terms the political response to the hard times of the 1890s Identify the Panic of 1893 Grover Cleveland Know the ways in which the Election of 1896 can be considered a turning point in American political history Identify William Jennings Bryan William McKinley B Make sure you understand how the years after 1896 were in certain respects a time of declining democracy in the United States How and why did white southerners manage to sidestep the 14th and 15th Amendments in limiting black southerners right to vote and giving racial separation the force of law Indicate some of the ways African Americans respond to the imposition of Jim Crow Identify disfranchisement Jim Crow Plessy v Ferguson W E B DuBois NAACP Booker T Washington Great Migration C Be prepared to indicate why more Americans become interested in overseas expansion by the end of the 1800s Know how the U S wins an empire in 1898 and what becomes of the overseas territories it occupies or annexes in that year Identify imperialism Spanish American War anti imperialists Philippines Cuba Hawaii Puerto Rico V The New Century and the New isms Imperialism and Progressivism A Be able to describe very generally how the U S in the years after 1898 pursues a foreign policy based more on intervention than colonization Identify Teller Amendment the Platt Amendment the Open Door the Roosevelt Corollary B Be able to describe the various ways Progressive Era reformers redefine the powers of government Describe the positions outlined by Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson with respect to the federal government s role in managing the consequences of industrial and corporate growth Identify muckrakers conservation Bureau of Corporations Hepburn Act the Election of 1912 New Nationalism New Freedom the Federal Reserve Act the Federal Trade Commission the income tax the reforms of 1916 C Understand how Progressive Era reforms might involve both movements for social justice and for social control and efforts to both expand and limit democracy Identify the 17th 18th and 19th Amendments to the U S Constitution settlement houses initiative and referendum prohibitionists Anti Saloon League National American Woman Suffrage Association Dates While you will not be asked for exact dates you do need to have a good sense of when and in what order things happened You should know for instance that the Spanish American War occurs in 1898 and why the Election of 1896 is an important one You will not receive full credit for identifications if you do not place things in time for example during the 1880s Quotations You should be able to identify passages from assigned readings that express the essence of those readings e g the Fourteenth Amendment Second Midterm History 2013 sec 6 Williams Dr Patrick Study Guide for Second Midterm Examination April 2 2014 I The United States and the World World War One A Make sure you know how the war beginning in Europe in 1914 becomes
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