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History 1203 1877 Present Professor Patrick Williams History 1 22 14 Map assignment o Label All states Mississippi River Ohio River The rocky mountains The Appalachian mountains The Great Plains Cities and strangers 1877 1917 o An increasingly Urban Nation Economic growth and City Growth Only 3 cities in 1860 that were as big as little rock New York Pittsburg and Brooklyn 23 million immigrants in these 23 years Doubles in size Each Promotes the Other Growth of industry increases immigrants while the growth in population creates greater and cheaper labor promoting industry o both promote city growth cities grow by processing marketing agriculture from southern states railroads become elevated New Technologies and Urban Expansion New elevated railroads elevators subways skylines Cities grow horizontally and vertically o Horizontally expanding in size more land o Vertically buildings got taller creating skylines Living Conditions Miserable living conditions Dense populations even with outward expansion One of the most crowded places on earth Brooklyn Factory workers sweatshop workers dock workers were poorly paid not allowing for much improvement Wages were so low that they had no other alternative other than to send children to work Takes time for cities to catchup with growing populations o Sanitation shared pluming housing electricity paved streets Allowed for spread of diseases o Very expensive to supply and causes cities to pick and choose between projects Washington paved streets poor sewage Chicago pluming sewage bad streets o Smell VERY bad The Divided City Ethnic Neighborhoods Before housing wasn t far from where they worked Distinct factory districts Those who were better off lived in suburbs Remaking the American Population o The Era of European Immigration 1815 1914 Most African and slave trade immigration ended by 1815 Btw 1815 1890 immigrants are coming from western Europe After 1890 immigrants are coming from eastern and southern and start to outnumber the western immigrants Over half of the population of the growing cities as well as the factory work was immigrants and their children The new immigrants 1890 1914 Southern and eastern Europeans Israel Baline transforms American culture o Wrote God Bless America Why Sail Opportunities Escape of political religious persecution famine detrimental increase in population decrease in land International immigration Different Destinations Most stay in the northeastern ports Most collect in four states New York New Jersey Massachusetts and Illinois Fewer industrial jobs in the south History 1 25 14 The South After 1877 Americans o After reconstruction the government stopped protection of African o Slaves worship in churches of their own o Segregation is strong o 1890s we see wide spread segregations as a matter of law o Land and labor after slavery From slave to sharecropper System in which workers would have their own house and work a piece of the land rather than the whole plantation Working someone else s land Money was scarce so they split the crop hence share cropping rather than earning and giving a wage Wasn t good to the former slaves o They didn t own the land and therefore had certain restrictions o The price of cotton fell o End up buying supplies on credit o Run up debts Very easy for former slaves to get stuck in this oppressive state The spread of cotton Falling prices White farmers lose their land o Cities and industry grow in the New South Before the civil were the south in the appellation mountains didn t have many slaves and grew things that they could trade locally Cities really become cities during this time Atlanta Dallas ect Industries growing in the south did not draw newcomers Industries like textile mills coal mines lumber extractive industries South still remains very poor Virginia the richest state in 1880 is poor as the poorest Kansas A colonial economy Creates colonies Extractive industry o Raw material not finished products o Mother nation can consume raw materials and the profits from the colony s production The south provided materials o The extractive industries Mostly owned by northern investors Northern manufacturers would receive most Low wages for workers of the benefits Ex Arkansas was the largest exacter of bauxite but by 1910 is controlled by a northern tycoon External control The majority of the farmers in the south did not own the land they worked Money doesn t stay in the South Continues for 80 years 1870s 1890s The West After 1877 o Native Americans 1 27 14 Indians were thought to be an inferior race and put on reservations Intended to convert Indians to the Protestant way of life Children were sent to school where all Indian way of life was outlawed you saved the man by killing the Indian The effort to end Indian distinctiveness The Dawes Severalty Act 1887 o Policy makers believed that two facets of Indian life Communal land ownership Most Indians didn t individually own land but rather as a tribe or group without private land ownership we lose selfishness which is at the bottom of American society Stop dealing with Indians as tribe rather than as individual citizens They could then be viewed as individual citizens What was left over is sold off to white settlers and land speculators Indians only held 78 million acres of land just a little under half o Tribal land was split in to 160 acre plots and given to individual families The Ghost Dance and Wounded Knee 1890 o Desperate attempt by Indians to hold onto their religion Said that white would disappear buffalo would repopulate and Indian ancestors would come back U S sent military to stop the dance Custer s old cavalry fire into a crowd of Indians All hope of retaining the old ways of Indian life are destroyed o In 1900 the Indian population was at its lowest Western urbanization and industrialization The west like the south was primarily an extracting industry copper timber ect o Low wages like in the south Companies tend not to be owned by people in the region The extractive industries were the real wild west Typically had many young single men that worked in the extracting industries Few women typically prostitutes The more young and male dominated a society is the more trouble there will be Lots of violence drunken beatings lynchings A colonial economy o Role is to provide raw and market materials o The really west Few than two people an acre People are more likely to be found in cities Farming and ranching on the great

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U of A HIST 2013 - Map assignment

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