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1 Rena Levin History 102 Notes 7 15 OUTLINE I Age of Napoleon A Background and Rise B Early Military Campaigns C Domestic Policies D Foreign Rule E Later Campaigns and Defeat Napoleon 1799 1815 PART III NAPOLEON Rise Early Military Campaigns o 1793 Rise to fame Helps dislodge the British from France o 1796 European coalitions against France Dispatched to fight Italy Austrian ruled o 1798 Conquest of Egypt Egyptians led by Mamluqs originally slaves now rulers Battle of Embada Pyramids France blows away Egypt with canons England dispatches its navy to get rid of NB led by Horatio Nelson Battle of Aboukir Bay Nile Nelson finds French ships and sinks them in the bay French trapped on land sick from plague NB returns to France leaving some troops with Ottomans in Middle East o 1799 Kicks out French directory Sends out plebiscite direct vote by people to become 1st consul general with political influence making France virtually a military dictatorship Domestic Policies o 1804 NB takes Emperor s crown for himself o Napoleonic Code favors men s power over women Universal male suffrage Meritocracy 2 Equality no privilege New bureaucracy hires those loyal only to him Readmits emigres with all their wealth to be taxed for state revenue Outlaws arbitrary arrests and imprisonments Schools under state rule not Catholicism 1808 Concordat agreement between NB and Roman Catholic Church pope Enforces private property Roman Catholicism faith of majority of French people Pope can dispose of French bishops Clergy must swear allegiance to French state who pays their salaries Gregorian calendar reinstated Emancipation of Jews incorporation as full citizens Institutes his own tax collectors and oppressors replacing locals and nobles All gov issues to take place in Paris Church renounces its claims to all confiscated land money goes to NB Recognizes that confiscation as legal finally Foreign Rule o Abolishes feudalism in foreign countries o Redraws Europe Creates small republics buffer states between France and hostile neighbors Grand Duchy of Warsaw Confederation of the Rhine modern Germany Kingdom of Westphalia o 1802 Treaty of Amiens truce for all fighting sides to get second wind French retreat Russia and Austria pursue NB uses canon to drown them Later Campaigns and Defeat o Battle of Austerlitz 1805 NB vs Austria Russia Battlefield frozen lake o Battle of Jena and Auerstedt 1806 Prussia loses o Treaty of Tilsit 1807 o Continental System Agreement between Alexander I Russia and NB France blockades British goods from Europe Response to Britain s naval blockade on French coasts 3 British goods are in demand and continues to trade with South America o Peninsular War 1807 NB invades Portugal and later Spain NB places his own brother Joseph as King of Spain Spain defeats NB with guerrilla warfare relinquishing Spanish and Portugal territory from French control o Battle of Borodino 1812 NB s Le Grande Armee vs Russia NB wins control over Moscow Russia s new strategy force French out when winter sets in NB retreats o Battle of the Nations Leipzig 1813 Coalition Prussia Russia Austria Sweden vs NB coalition wins Meeting of the Nations draw up new map of Europe Borders of France restored prior to French Revolution Monarchy changed to Bourbon State with Louis XVIII as constitutional monarch NB exiled to Elba remains there for 300 days o Congress of Vienna Led by Austrian Metternich Meeting of major European states to deal with aftermath of French Revolution Napoleonic Wars and dissolve of Holy Roman Empire COV declares Napoleon an outlaw NB returns to France during COV declaring himself Emperor again o Battle of Waterloo 1815 PEAR led by Blucher and Duke of Wellington mobilize and defeat NB NB abdicates NB exiled again to St Helena where he dies in 1821 Louis XVIII restored as ruler

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QC HIST 102 - Napoleon (1799 – 1815)

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