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Natural narrative Chapter 6 Notes Determined by Labov He studied how people tell stories in their everyday life Abstract device that lets the audience know that a story is about to be told Orientation explaining the who what when where why of the story gives the basic information of the story Complicating action the first narrative clause moment of action of the story story Resolution the last narrative clause Coda wraps the story up and lets the audience know you re done with the Evaluation most important part where the storyteller explains to the audience the merit of the story can be worked in throughout the story doesn t have to be at the end Targets to emotionally sway someone 1 People a Saint positive i Held up because of their virtuous actions ii Consistently does things that are great and we look up to them iii Talking about these great people makes us want to be great b Sinner negative i A person portrayed in a negative light that makes their actions seem terrible ii Examples Hitler iii He exemplifies what it means to be awful in this world a Virtues look at specific actions that would have a positive impact on b Vices things that have a negative effect on our lives or the lives of others Both are actions that we do with conscious intent c 2 Actions the world 3 Events a Utopia a perfect event something to strive towards not necessarily achieve paints a picture of what could be i This is where we need to get OR ii Here is the gap that exists between now and the ideal b Wasteland a situation has gotten so bad that it feels like we are doomed and nothing good could possibly happen often a situation of exigency uncertain of how to move forward i Could be used to maintain a current state of affairs OR ii Pushing us towards a different course of action 4 Objects a Idol an object that we look up to and admire could be physical or an organization or a process b Abomination making an object so repellent that an audience wants to shun or repel it

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LSU CMST 2060 - Chapter 6 Notes

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