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1st Latin Test Vocabulary Pronouns m me myself quid what Adverbs n n not sa pe often hodie today semper always Conjunctions s if et and et et both and sed but Interjections O Oh Prepositions sine without de down from from concerning about in in on Nouns nihil n nothing indeclinable fama famae f rumor report fame reputation forma formae f form shape beauty fortuna fortunae f fortune luck ira irae f ire anger nauta nautae m sailor patria patriae f fatherland native land pecunia pecuniae f money philosophia philosophiae f philosophy Greek love of wisdom poena poenae f penalty punishment poeta poetae m poet porta portae f gate entrance puella puellae f girl rosa rosae f rose sententia sententiae f feeling thought opinion vote sentence vita vitae f life mode of life ager agri m field farm agricola agricolae m farmer amicus amici m friend amica amicae f friend femina feminae f woman filia filiae f dat daughter filiabus f abl daughter filius filii m son numerus numeri m number populus populi m the people a people a nation puer pueri m boy sapientia sapientiae f wisdom vir viri m man hero basium basii n kiss bellum belli n war consilium consilii n plan purpose counsel advice judgement cura curae f care attention caution anxiety donum doni n gift present exitum exitii n destruction ruin magister magistri m teacher Idioms amabo te please salve salvete hello greetings vale valete good bye farewell poenas dare to pay the penalty Adjectives antiquus antiqua antiquum ancient old time magnus magna magnum large great important meus mea meum my multus multa multum much many tuus tua tuum your avarus avara avarum greedy pauci paucae pauca few a few usually plural Romanus Romana Romanum Roman bellus bella bellum pretty handsome charming bonus bona bonum good kind humanus humana humanum pertaining to man malus mala malum bad wicked evil parvus parva parvum small little stultus stulta stultum foolish verus vera verum true real proper magistra magistrae f teacher mora morae f delay oculus oculi m eye officium officii n duty service otium otii n leisure peace periculum periculi n danger risk remedium remedii n cure remedy stultus stulti m a fool Verbs amo amare amavi amatum to love like cogito cogitare cogitavi cogitatum to think ponder consider plan debeo debere debui debitum to owe ought must should do dare dedi datum to give offer erro errare erravi erratum to wander go astray err be mistaken laudo laudare laudavi laudatum to praise moneo monere monui monitum to warn advise remind salveo salvere to be well in good health servo servare servavi servatum to preserve save keep guard conservo conservare conservavi conservatum to preserve conserve terreo terrere terrui territum to frighten terrify valeo valere valui valiturum to be strong have power be well video videre vidi visum to see observe understand voco vocare vocavi vocatum to call summon est is habeo habere habui habitum to have hold possess consider satio satiare satiavi satiatum to satisfy sate iuvo iuvare iuvi iutum to help aid assist please sum esse fui futurum to be exist

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LSU LATN 1001 - 1st Latin Test Vocabulary

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