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Geography 1003 Study guide for Midterm exam 2 Key terms to know from the textbook chapter 12 on South Asia page 584 those considered below the caste hierarchy also known as Untouchables hierarchical system of social class in Indian society Caste system Dalit and were traditionally relegated to the most dirty degrading work of the Third World between the 1940s and 1970s Green Revolution refers to a dramatic increase in food production in some parts Monsoon a yearly climatic pattern of alternating wet and dry seasons driven by shifting air pressure and prevailing winds Summer monsoon is very rainy while the winter monsoon is dry Understand how the weather changes during the year in a monsoon climate and how the shifting ITCZ moves the rainy season across Southeast Asia Slides for September 30th textbook page 595 o Climate is hot and rainy especially near the equator tropics Further north and south for the equator there are 2 seasons rainy and dry known tropical monsoon climate Identify densely populated areas in Southeast Asia like the river deltas of Thailand Burma and Vietnam and the island of Java in Indonesia Textbook page 599 o Densely populated on Java islands and the river deltas MEKONG of Vietnam Burma and Thailand Southeast Asia has differing rates of urbanization Philippines and Malaysia rates are high Know what transmigration in Indonesia means where transmigrants come from and where they migrate to Textbook page 603 o People leaving java dense populated parts of Indonesia to go to places that o Transmigration aren t so crowded overpopulation in the capital of Java by moving people from the core area to the less populated areas of Indonesia was a scheme created by the Indonesian government to ease o The government provided land money and fertilizer for those who move for 18 months in order to allow them to sustain a small farm o The main goal was to create a balanced demographic spread by easing population density in Java Bali Madura and increasing the density in less developed areas Know the major religious communities of Southeast Asia such as Buddhist majorities in most of mainland Southeast Asia Islam in most of Indonesia and Christianity in the Philippines Remember that Hinduism remains a major religion in Southeast Asia only on the Indonesian island of Bali Textbook page 608 o Buddhism o Islam in Indonesia mainly practiced in mainland of Southeast Asia Islam o Christianity spread from Malaysia into Indonesia and Southern Philippines in the Philippines Christianity is used in the Philippines and Eastern Indonesia o Hinduism is only practiced in Bali Buddhism replaced Hinduism Bali where Hinduism is used in mainland of Southeast Asia except for Understand the importance of the Mekong River to Southeast Asian people and how hydroelectric dam development causes controversy between upriver and downriver countries Identify the Tonle Sap Lake in Cambodia and how it changes between the rainy and dry monsoon seasons Slides for September 30th o The Mekong River emptying into the sea in Vietnam travels through China Laos Thailand and Cambodia before o Many hydroelectric and flood control dams now being built on the Mekong and its tributaries o Controversy arose between upriver power export money and downriver loss water low food supply countries between electrical power generation and agriculture and fisheries dependent on Mekong River flooding Mekong River reverses direction to fill and then drain the lake twice a year area expands five fold between dry and rainy seasons The o The Tonle Sap Lake Understand how shrimp producers in the Mississippi and Mekong river deltas are connected through international trade Be able to describe the changes these shrimpers are experiencing like the declining number of Louisiana shrimpers and the shift of Vietnamese shrimp farmers from growing fresh water rice to salt water shrimp Slides for October 2nd o The Louisiana shrimp fishery is a wild fishery catching shrimp from the sea with boats 5 700 shrimpers since 2006 63 000 metric tons of production 40 of U S shrimp production 4 5 of national consumption 90 of the shrimp we eat is imported the majority of that is farm raised The number of Louisiana shrimp fishermen has fallen from around 10 000 in 2000 to around 5 000 in recent years primarily due to higher fuel costs and falling shrimp prices Domestic not a wild fishery catching them with nets 290 000 shrimp farmers since 2006 287 000 metric tons of production 75 of Vietnamese shrimp production almost all exported about 22 of which went to the U S in 2006 is aquaculture raising shrimp in ponds o The Mekong Delta shrimp industry o Commodity price volatility is a major driver in trends of land use change in the coastal Mekong Delta especially in 1999 2001 rice to shrimp and 2007 09 shrimp to rice Returns from shrimp declined markedly relative to rice in the 2000s from an exceptionally high ratio in favor of shrimp in 2000 to a very low level favoring rice by 2008 Changed rice fields fresh water to shrimp ponds salt water that killed the fresh water land with salt water intrusion o Mekong Delta shrimp get to international markets through a middleman network linking hundreds of thousands of smallholder producers with several dozen large processor exporters o Family business economic pressure and declining profit margin Comprehend how international borders in South Asia were shaped by British colonialism and how those borders still have consequences today such as splitting the province of Punjab in two and dividing the Pashtun community between Pakistan and Afghanistan Slides for October 4 rd textbook pages 569 571 th October 23 o British wanted money and power with colonialism Split country weaken by dividing powers then turn them against each other o Some ethnic groups in the southwest Pakistan s international borders divide them Pashtuns in the northwest Punjabis in Punjab and Baluchis o Pakistan s cities and the Punjab region are relatively wealthy while the province of Balochistan and the FATA are much poorer o Despite their historical tensions India and Pakistan have a lot in common Cross border trade and migration long blocked by both countries is one route to greater cooperation between the two Understand how British India was partitioned at independence into India and Pakistan and some of the continuing consequences of partition for South Asia Slides for October 4 th textbook pages 569 571 o Before the 1750s the Mughal Empire ruled

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