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WGS Midterm study guide Question 1 Betty Friedan Feminine Mystic problem with no name Middle class white women Housewife stuck and bored The Dream Life Went to college to find a husband Socio economic status Looked down upon if they had a job but no family o o o o o o Sojourner Truth Keeping the Thing Going while things are Stirring but men doing no more got twice as much pay 1 to every 77 cents Equal pay equal work When we get our rights we wont need to come to you for money Amy Kesselman The first and second wave of feminism in the US pdf and WIR 558 Suburban house wives work outside the homes NOW National Organization for Women worked for equality Page 560 Equal rights amendment The Laugh of the Medusa pdf 1957 Cixous Mom and kids Pay off market value QUESTION 2 Ain t I a woman Sojourner Truth pdf WIR page 564 Speaks for the power of women last two paragraphs Sojurner Truth Keeping the thing going pdf you have been having our rights for so long that you think like a slave holder that you own us Elizabeth Cady Stanton Seneca Falls womens rights convention 1848 in WIR pg 561 Shed light on rights women were denied He man US D O I was talking about the King oppressing the colony D O S talks about man oppressing women E C Stanton Power point moodle Women s suffrage 1920 Co organizer first women s rights convention o o o Question 3 Both neg pos Neg discrimination Difference between people Pos find your identity makes you stronger Gloria Anzaldua Borderlands pdf pg 2096 La metiza torn b w ways 3 negatives white non hetero woman not a man English Spanish represent her culture Because you re a girl Ijeoma A CT 215 o o o o Nigeria raised here then moved to US for college Culture customs clash pros and cons Found herself Family didn t approve JAP The New Anti semitic Code Word Jewish Slur On Being a Good Girl implications for Latinas in the United States Didn t want to be what culture Latina defined a good girl Entered the realm of other QUESTION 4 QUESTION 5 Virgina Woolfe quote explanation and this means blah Madwoman in the attic Gilbert and Gubar pdf Betty Friedan Feminine Mystique Problem with no name pdf Women housewife men work Things expected of women and men Zoology sometimes female can be the dominant Idea of what is natural is not always natural o Gender Trouble o Irigary o o o Scandal Clip o o o o Woman running for president Ice tea Her house Watch clip moodle What Happens When Your hood CT 54 Gentrification o Men were oppressing women so much that they started going crazy hysteria depression anorexia o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Went and got educated Bringing her to poor communities to buy a house even though she had money because she was black Flawless Beyonce Ambition but not too much Little of everything not to exceed or threaten men Teen Mags How to get a guy drop 20 pounds and lose your self esteem page 88 WIR Anastasia Higginbotham Ideal self Young girls fear of being judged brings them to this fake idea of what they should be Page 91 o o o o o o o o

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