Study Guide For 256 Final There are only 30 questions in this last test most folks are done fairly fast There are two quotes true false From the Metaphor Lecture o In allowing us to focus on one aspect of a concept a metaphor can keep us from focusing on other aspects of the experience or phenomena that are inconsistent with that metaphor A metaphor emphasizes one part but ignores everything else about it There s one thing that it s highlighting and then a lot that it s ignoring Argument is war highlights the fact that its people combatting each other time is money highlighting the fact that we work for money but hiding the fact that our time is flexible and sometimes our time is worth more emotionally then it is monetarily Hiding and highlighting idea From the Myth Lecture o Myths are neither positive or negative in and of themselves They may be either depending on how they are fit into the life of the community or of the individual and how they are lived in terms of the here and now A myth is sort of this stock archetypal story How we react respond to it is what makes it good or bad If you see a story and it inspires you to go do something good helpful then its good but another person could read it and it could shut them down It s how you respond to it Story doesn t change but how you see it does There are two questions about archetypes Archetypes fundamental ideas and images that articulate human emotions elemental ideas they appear over and over in religion art legends and folklore which are themes that first appeared on the cave walls of the Neanderthals over 250 thousand years ago and are played out across radios TV books movies etc today While details of the story change across time and locality the basic images and emotions of the story remain the same through the use of archetypes Archetype is a character in a myth and the myth is the whole story Archetype is the hero and the myth is the story Know the hero s journey the stages of the myth importance of the myth Functions evolutions boons know them Know that they are part of the mythic journey and they represent parts of ourselves Two questions about the modern myth Studies in mythology reveal to us the ways in which human consciousness and symbols have remained constant across history and culture The essence of myth is an unchanging story that is told over and over again Mythology is the organization of images metaphoric to experience action and fulfillment of the human spirit The recognition of mortality and the requirement to transcend it is the first great impulse to mythology mythologies can then be organized around primal human experiences 4 functions of myth p 46 a mix of T F and multiple choice o Appreciate life and humanness o Show that everything around you is sacred in someway to someone o Give understanding about how to operate in the world o Tell you how to deal with your life no matter what s going on in it Evolution of myth NO but yes about modern myths vs ancient Joseph Campbell claims that one of the problems with modern societies is that they tend to lack a coherent myth and often rely on the mythologies of ancient societies from times gone by Modern myth perhaps is the individual s struggle to maintain and extend their own humanity in the face of the Technostate It s the story of the individual striving to interact with technology and the state in ways that foster their own transcendence and spirituality that nourish their souls Such a myth is also a struggle against a state and technology that makes human beings extensions of machines instruments of the state and alienates people from their spirits and souls How we interact with technology how we use it as a tool instead of letting it dehumanize us How we figure out the best way to use it Example iPhone do we use it as a tool to communicate with people or as a replacement for real life relationships Hero s Journey 2 questions Always begins with the call There is a sense that something vitally needed is missing from the community and can only be found outside the community It may also be the community is threatened by some malevolent force a monster an aggressive army a wicked ruler The Call may be refused at first The herald or announcer of the adventure may be dark and terrifying Or the young hero may just off and go naively innocent of what is ahead If we don t follow our higher calling we might fall into a depression p 50 Begins with the call the deeds follow next you have to go through all these things to reach ends with the boon p 49 50 Know the call the deeds and the boon Aesthetic Arrest 2 questions The experience of being caught up in an image or sound in a way that moves us beyond desire or loathing We do not desire to possess the image no matter how beautiful nor do we fear it no matter how terrifying In a moment of aesthetic arrest we are caught up in wonder and awe we disappear to ourselves and there is only the image or sound This is a moment of apotheosis of oneness with something mythical How a myth gets inside you When you re taken by something but you don t want to have it You see a sunset and you want to appreciate it you don t try to actually take it with you you just appreciate it and then move on when it s gone From Technology and the Word There are two questions that involve written and print culture Written and print culture The shift between written and print culture and how it remade our thinking and speaking From Deconstructing the Consumer There are four questions about use value and sign value and two about conspicuous consumption Sign value use value t f how we use them what s the difference and what s an example how do we know do we have control over them We have control over the use but not over the sign Conspicuous Consumption usually an excess of what is the baseline of necessary so that you can let other people know who you are or what you re about You re only buying it for the sign value and not for the use value More about the sign then the use when you buy or do something so that other people can see it From Communicating Power There is a question about ideology hegemony p 92 Hegemony the better kind of power because we can fight it Exercised over us through our own consent and self governance We perpetuate it ourselves we police each other and keep things going in the way they are without really thinking about it Example fashion clothes and their sign value People we don …
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