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Aegean Sea Islands Connected to Mesopotamia and Egypt Trade by sea Includes Cycladic Minoan and Mycenaean Cycladic WHEN 3 000 2 000 BCE WHERE Cycladic Islands in the middle closest to Egypt Traded wood and marble FIRST TO 1 Trade by sea MOST KNOWN FOR SIMMILAR TO 1 Clay or marble ritualistic female figures with abstract faces 2 No written text 1 Paintings Prehistoric cave art simple 2 Sculpture Prehistoric abstract nude female large breasts buried with dead 3 Sculpture Egypt perfection in geometry lyres chair afterlife LOCATIONS TO KNOW AND WHY 1 Cycladic Island 2 Paros Island Stone quarry 3 Naxos Stone quarry 4 Syros Female figurines 5 Keros Rare male musical and pregnant figures Minoan Strict hierarchy WHEN 1 700 1 200 BCE WHERE Crete Islands largest island concentrated to Knossos and Phaistos Name created from mythology Ruled by King Minos EXCAVATION 1 WHO Arthur Evans 2 WHEN 1903 3 Reconstructed palace 4 Myth was of King Minos who kept a minotaur in a labyrinth maize FIRST TO MOST KNOWN FOR 1 Not fortify their palace due to military or myth 1 Red and black columns 2 Sacred double axe religious ties 3 Sea themed art 4 Vases 5 Vibrant colors 6 Slender elegant human depiction 7 Difference in skin tone Males darker females ivory SIMMILAR TO 1 Egypt geometrics no narrative paintings fresco painting 2 All have bull imagery LOCATIONS TO KNOW AND WHY 1 Crete Island pottery paintings 2 Knossos Palace axe paintings sculpture TERMS 1 Masonry Fieldstones Unworked natural stone used to fill inside of walls Ashlar Carefully cut block fits without mortar Dressed masonry Stone block with exact dimensions for smooth face and perfect fit Ashlar is a component 2 Art Megaron Large thrown room Faience Tin glazed pottery on delicate pale buff Mycenaean WHEN 1 700 1 200 BCE WHERE Peloponnesos Peninsula of Greece Ruled by King Agamemnon EXCAVATION 1 WHO Heinrich Schliemann 2 WHEN 1822 1890 3 Believed Homer s story was real found Troy 4 Menelaus s wife was kidnapped brother to king Agamemnon FIRST TO 1 Use relieving triangle MOST KNOWN FOR Lion s gate 1 2 Plundering other places 3 War with Minoans 4 Post and lintel doorways 5 Tholos tomb Treasure of Atreus 6 Use of bronze and gold 7 War like culture Lion depictions 8 SIMMILAR TO mythology 1 Masonry Mesopotamia corbelled vaulting post and lintel lamassus 2 Sculpture Mesopotamia large eyes 3 Death mask Egypt 4 Drawings Minoans elegance in animals and humans LOCATIONS TO KNOW AND WHY 1 Peloponnesos Island Tholos tomb Mycenaean grave 2 Tiryns Mycenaean citadel TERMS 1 Architecture 2 Art Relieving triangle Open triangular open space shifts weight outward put in triangular decoration Repouss Hammer medal to create hollow thin material Niello Black metallic alloy of copper silver and lead Greece Trade was very important Includes different time periods similar to Egypt Ancient Greece WHEN 600 480 BCE Orientalizing period 900 600 BCE WHERE Greece FIRST TO 1 Hold Olympic Games in 776 BCE 2 Have Doric and Ionic columns 3 Use both relief and sculpture in architectural design MOST KNOWN FOR 1 Nude male statues naturalistic and anatomically correct 2 Clothed female statues with long braided hair in toga 3 Use of columns 4 Mythology Medusa SIMMILAR TO 1 Sculpture New Egypt and Minoan Geometric obsession 2 Sculpture Mesopotamia Akkad strict friezes 3 All have bull imagery 4 Sculpture Old Egypt realistic statues 5 Columns Middle Egypt freestanding columns 6 Plans Neolithic draw plans for structures LOCATIONS TO KNOW AND WHY 1 Dipylon Athens Krater 2 Corinth Amphora 3 Anavysos Athens Kouros 4 Parthenon Athens Architecture 5 Paestum Italy Temple of Hera I 6 Corfu Greece Temple of Artemus TERMS 1 Art Krater Early large Grecian vase Meander Border on vase Amphora Vase used to travel Kouros Male freestanding stature Kore for female Apotropaic Art intended to ward off evil Classical Greece WHEN 480 400 BCE WHERE Greece Ruled by Pericles FIRST TO 1 Have a statue made by Phidias 2 Build Temple of Athena Pathenos with an equation x 2y 1 3 Build with correction 4 Use sculpted statues as columns MOST KNOWN FOR 1 Building Acropolis 2 Parthenon Built by Iktinos and Kallikrates 3 Perfect symmetry 4 Use of marble 5 Depiction of lapiths and centaurs 6 Female sculptures have hair pulled back with toga SIMMILAR TO 1 Marble like Aegean Islands 2 Friezes like Mesopotamia Akkad and Ancient Greece Strict 3 Narrative like New Egypt and Paleolithic art tells story LOCATIONS TO KNOW AND WHY pinakotheke and Temple of Athena Nike PEOPLE TO KNOW AND WHY Iktinos and Kallikrates Builders Parthenon 1 Phidias Sculpture Parthenon 2 3 Polykleitos Sculpture Canon style 4 Myron Sculpture Diskoboolos TERMS 1 Architecture Cella Inner room with statue of goddess Column entasis Convex profile or swelling in column shaft Metopes Marble panels along the outside that form Doric frieze Pediment Corner angle of building used for art 1 Athens Greece Acropolis Temple of Athena Pathenos erechteion propylaia Late Classic WHEN 400 323 BCE WHERE Greece Ruled by Alexander the Great Political unification FIRST TO 1 Create a mosaic MOST KNOWN FOR 1 Emotional and dynamic art 2 New canon sculpture SIMMILAR TO LOCATIONS TO KNOW AND WHY 1 Pompeii Italy Battle of Issus PEOPLE TO KNOW AND WHY 1 Praxiteles Sculpture Hermes TERMS 1 Art 1 Sculpture like Classic Greece but more emotion Mosaic small colorful pieces all different tesserae Controposto pose One hand out and one leg forward New canon More slender and elegant elongated natural Hellenistic WHEN 323 30 BCE WHERE Greece FIRST TO 1 Angle seats in theater for optimal audio 2 Sculpt old people 3 Sexualize sculpture MOST KNOWN FOR 1 Overly large columns 2 Corinthian order first 3 D order 3 Tendril flowers SIMMILAR TO 1 Architecture Theater similar to temples LOCATIONS TO KNOW AND WHY 1 Pella Greece Head of Alexander the Great 2 Epidauros Greece Theater 3 Athens Temple of Zeus Monument to Lysikrates PEOPLE TO KNOW AND WHY 1 Son of Polykleitos Architect theater 2 Kallimachos Sculptor Corinthian capital 3 Athanadoros Sculpture Laocoon 4 Polyeuktos Sculpture old man 5 Barberini Pope Urban the 8th Discovered sleeping satyr TERMS 1 Architecture Orchestra Center stage with altar Proskentor Front stage Skeno Back stage Etruscan Etruscan WHEN 700 100 BCE WHERE Rome Italy FIRST TO 1 Use Repouss 2 Use terracotta figure 3 Sculpt sarcophagus 4 Use arches MOST KNOWN FOR 1 Simplistic tombs earthy and natural 2 Terracotta paint 3 Simplicity and naturalism 4 Relieve art SIMMILAR TO 1 Art

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LSU ARTH 1440 - Aegean Sea Islands

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