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Final Study Guide HUM2210 Section 1 Slide ID Note Studying the slides is best for this section However I noted some characteristics I noticed about each style that s represented This was mainly for my own benefit but maybe it ll help others out too so I kept it in here Of course it s also a little vague in some areas sorry about that Aegean Bronze Age Cycladic Few artifacts exist most are figurines with elongated facesAegean Bronze Age Minoan Mostly known for its friezes at the various palace sites which are colorful and typically depicting nature or animals also remember the snake figurine Aegean Bronze Age Myceanaean War like in nature either scenes depicting battle or actual weapons spear heads and armor helms Dark Age Very few artifacts that tend to be crudely made Geometric Named because of its dark zones and overall straight and geometrical nature Orientalizing Named because of the Eastern influence of the Greek art emphasis on animals Archaic Greeks move to a more naturalistic form of art as seen in the sculptures architecture begins to develop more towards a traditional Greek style columns and balance Classical Greek architecture of the religious structures in Athens Persian Compared to Greek artifacts it appears to draw more inspiration from Mesopotamian culture Section 2 Terms Akrotiri Minoan settlement that was destroyed by a volcano eruption Minos Ancient Minoan king where the culture gets its modern namesake plays a large role in the legend of the Minotaur and the labyrinth wherein Theseus kills the creature and thwarts the king Aegeus Son of Theseus according to legend he throws himself into the sea when he believed his son was dead The sea he died in the Aegean Sea was supposedly named after him Labros Note I couldn t find anything on Labros I thought it was Labrys so this is the definition of the second word Double edged axe that was symbolic of Minoan culture not used for battle and seemed only ceremonious in nature Linear B Written language used by Mycenaeans precursor to Greek written language suddenly died out when Mycenaean culture fell Agamemnon Mycenaean king in legend best known for his role in the Trojan Wars his citadel Mycenae gives the culture its modern namesake Corbelling Architectural technique wherein a piece of wood stone etc juts from a wall or column to support weight typically used with balconies or other superimposed weight Homer Famous Greek poet accredited for The Illad and The Odyssey Paris According to legend eloped with Helen directly causing the Trojan War killed Achilles by supposedly shooting him in the heel Phoenicians Outside culture Greece came in contact with inspired Greek writing system Darius Persian king that began the invasion on Athens after the first invasion failed he was unexpectantly killed in a revolt in Egypt Delos Mountain considered sacred to Apollo Hesiod Famous Greek writer best known for Theogany and Works and Days Peisistratus Athenian tyrant that instated a variety of public works continued Solon s example to move towards a democratic government Solon Athenian tyrant famous for abolishing the laws of previous ruler Draco practiced a form of government called Eunomia good order Harmodius Aristogeiton Murdered Athenian tyrant Hippias brother Hipparchos after Harmodius family was shamed eventually glorified as heroes of democracy Themistokles Athenian general during the second Persian invasion evacuated the citizenry of Athens on boats effectively saving the majority of the population Perikles Athenian ruler that used Delian League money to restore Athens his acts eventually had the city state viewed as an empire Kleisthenes Athenian ruler that officially brought democracy to the city state practiced a form of government called isonomia equality before the law Section 3 Multiple Choice Characteristics of Minoan Wall Paintings Peaceful depicts nature and animals colorful lots of red and blue Possible Reasons for Minoan Downfall Heavy deforestation damage from the volcano at Akrotiri conquest by the Mycenaeans Mycenae Architectural Characteristics large fortification walls the Lion s Gate burial circles and tholos tombs the Megaron Players in the Trojan War Troy vs the Mycenaeans or Sparta according to legends Corinth Became popular in Orientalizing Period due to its prime location for sea travel Daedalic style Popular during the Archiac period characterized by female figures with breaded matted hair and geometric flat bodies Prothesis The lying and displaying of a diseased person in Mycenaean culture Ekphoria The bringing forth of the body for cremation Eunomia Government practiced by Solon translates to good order Isonomia Government practiced by Kleisthenes translates to equality before the law Hippias Athenian tyrant whose brother was killed by Harmodius and Aristogeiton was eventually forced out of Athens due to his harsh rulership Battle of Marathon First battle of the Persian War in which Athens won famous due to Pheidippides running from Marathon to Athens to bring news of the victory Battle of Plataia Final battle of the Persian War which ended any further attacks on Greece from Persia Characteristics of the Imperial Athens Using Delian League money to reconstruct the city state while saying it was good for Greece on the whole signed treaty with Persia while still building defensively artifacts and sculptures created represent Athenians as equal to the gods

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