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Midterm Study Guide Note This will only include the definitions of the terms listed in Section 2 of the study guide provided by the professor Section 1 is slide identification and to be honest the slides and answers he provides are far better than I could type up and I can t pull the pictures from the pdf file anyway Remember you only need to link the artifacts with the correct culture not specifically what the artifacts are Venus figurines Artifacts from Paleolithic times small and portable may represent a mother goddess used as a charm for easy childbirth alternatively may have been a toy or porn always had the defining aspects of a woman breasts child bearing hips female genitals Hohle Fels Where the earliest Venus figurine was found in Germany Perspective Modelling Naturalism an art style that tries to portray realism used during Paleolithic times Shamanism Represented by cave paintings in which animal heads are placed on human bodies likely used in rituals in which a person a shaman would try to communicate to an animal spirit for various purposes Bucrania Found in Catalhoyuk bull skulls that are covered in plaster and typically hung on the wall Molded Breasts Found in Catalhoyuk protrusions from the walls believed to be breasts because of them typically ending in the shape of an areola contains bones of small animals within Excarnation also known as defleshing the burial practice in which the organs and flesh are removed from the remains leaving only the bones in terms of the lectures likely refers to the burial practices in Jericho in which the head is removed from the body Mesopotamia Greek for the land between the rivers the civilizations of Mesopotamia typically sat between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers first civilization to develop a form of writing Cuneiform First form of writing developed by the Mesopotamians Hierarchical scale an art style that portrays more important figures as larger and therefore draws the eye typically seen in Mesopotamian and Egyptian cultures Sargon I The Akkadian ruler that brought all of Mesopotamia under his rule is typically seen as a rags to riches tale the King of the Four Quarters Lost wax technique A metal casting technique mastered in Akkad in which the object is first crafted out of wax then encased in clay with a small opening at the top Molten metal is then poured in and after the metal has cooled down the clay is chipped away leaving the final product Lullubi The foreign people that were defeated by Narum Sin as depicted in the Stele of Narum Sin Gutians Foreign invaders that would topple the Akkadian empire and send Mesopotamia in a state of instability Ur Nammu Ruler of Ur that brought the city state back into Mesopotamian power created the first code of laws with the Code of Ur Nammu Lamassu a fantastical creature made up of parts from other animals Gilgamesh a fictional hero that goes on adventures with his friend Enkidu after Enkidu is killed by the gods he embarks on a quest for immortality but ultimately fails and must deal with his own morality Hebrews a k a Israelites wanderers or outsiders from Mesopotamia that eventually settled in modern day Israel were taken as slaves by the Assyrians and resurgent Babylonians but freed by the Persian Empire Nebuchadnezzar II Greatest ruler under the resurgent Babylonia set about reconstructing the city of Babylonia which included the construction of a main road the Ishtar Gate a ziggurat and the Hanging Gardens Fertile Crescent an area in the Middle East that is very fertile includes Mesopotamia Israel and Egypt Ma at Ancient Egypt concept of balance represented in art as a woman with a feather on her head Rosetta Stone An artifact found by Napoleon that eventually led to the translation of the Ancient Egyptian language top portion contains hieroglyphics middle Demotic script common man s Egyptian language and the lower portion is in Ancient Greek Mastaba burial ground used in the Old Kingdom times of Ancient Egypt had an above ground portion that people could go and give tribute to past pharaohs and the bodies were buried underground in a labyrinth like area Ka Ba Ka is the portion of the soul that represented if a person was living or dead Ba is the portion of the soul that gave a person their unique characteristics their personality Imhotep Architect of the first pyramid first pyramid essentially looked like multiple mastabas stacked on top each other Akhet Means horizon in hieroglyphics Mantuhotep II The ruler that would defeat Lower Egypt and bring the country back under a solitary rule starting the Middle Kingdom period Osiris God of the underworld in the Middle Kingdom period rulers would associate with Osiris rather than Re Hyksos A foreign people from West Asia that eventually took over the East Nile Delta area brought technological and warfare advancements with them

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