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Name all the structures in the respiratory system that distribute air Nose warms cleanese humidifies inhaled air detects ordors serves as a resonating chamber that amplifies the voice Pharynx passes air through the nasopharynx which is lined with pseudostratified columnar epithelium and air food through the oropharynx laryngopharynx which is lined with stratified squamous epithelium Larnyx keep food and drink out of the airway and plays a role in sound production Trachea ind pipe mucus traps particles that are inhales and the cilia drive the debris up to the pharynx where it can be swallowed Lungs 3 right lobes superior middle and inferior 2 left lobes superior and inferior takes in oxygen and gets rid pf waste like carbon dioxide Bronchial tree The Bronchial tree consists of bronchi bronchioles and alveoli The tubes that make up the bronchial tree perform the same function as the trachea They distribute air to the lungs The alveoli are responsible for the primary function of the lungs exchanging carbon dioxide and oxygen Plurae The Pleural Cavity is filled with a small amount of serous fluid which forms a thin film of liquid between the pleural layers This is vital in that it prevents separation of the two pleural layers and lubricates the surface so the lungs can move easily within the thoracic cavity The left and right pleural sacs are separate so that in the event of one being punctured the other lung can continue to function effectively What are the functions of the respiratory system The respiratory system s primary function is to supply oxygen to all the parts of your body It accomplishes this through breathing inhaling oxygen rich air and exhaling air filled with carbon dioxide which is a waste gas What is the function of the cribiform plate a sieve like structure that allows small olfactory nerve fibers to pass through its foramina from the nasal mucosa to the olfactory bulb transmits the olfactory nerves that carry the sense of smell Name the largest cartilage of the larynx thyroid cartilage 1 the largest its superior border lies opposite the C4 vertebra 2 two plate like laminae fuse anteriorly in the median plane to form the laryngeal prominence 3 this projection is Adam s apple is well marked in men the thyrohyoid membrane 4 pierced by the internal laryngeal nerve and superior laryngeal artery What is another name for the throat and what are the divisions Pharynx Nasopharynx middle ear to tonsil Oropharynx soft palate to epiglottis Laryngopharynx posterior to larynx What properties allow easy diffusion of gas in the alveoli a large surface area to volume ratio is very thin is partially permeable has movement of environmental and internal mediums State the purpose of surfactant Surfactant reduces the surface tension of fluid in the lungs and helps make the small air sacs in the lungs alveoli more stable This keeps them from collapsing when an individual exhales Know all of the equations for lung capacity and what they represent Example IRV ERV etc How do you figure the Inspiratory Reserve Volume IRV VC TV ERV Amount of air forcefully inhaled beyond normal tidal volume What is Tidal Volume TV Volume of Air inhaled or exhaled What is Expiratory Reserve Volume ERV Amount of air forcefully exhaled beyond normal TV What is Vital Capacity VC a Amount of air exhaled after deepest possible breath TV IRV ERV What is Residual Volume RV Amount of air left in lungs How do you Calculate Ispiratory Capacity IC TV IRV How do you calculate Functional Residual Capacity RV ERV What is Total Lung Capacity TLC Maximum amount of air lungs can hold VC RV or TV RV ERV IRV What is Forced Expiratory Volume FEV Respiratory Function Test the amount of air forcefully exhaled in a given amount of time What is the basic principle determining how we breathe Gas is exchanged between the alveoli and the pulmonary capillaries via diffusion gas molecules will move from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration The partial pressure of oxygen PO2 is lower in the alveoli in comparison to the external The partial pressure of carbon dioxide PCO2 is higher in the capillaries than in the environment which allows for diffusion of oxygen into the alveoli alveoli which allows for diffusion into the alveoli where it is exhaled during expiration and gas is received by the alveoli for efficient gas exchange The ventilation perfusion ratio V Q ensures that the ideal amount of blood What are the medical terms for variations in breathing example breathing too fast or slow labored breathing Vrg ventral respiratory group normal Drg Dorsal respiratory group output Prg Pontine respiratory group modifies the rhythm What is edema and in what fluid department does it collect Blockage of the lymphatic vessels draining a region of the body is most likely to cause Know the function and location of action for ADH and aldosterone Antidiuretic hormone increases water reabsorption but not sodium and is found collecting ducts Aldosterone receptors are found on cells of the distal convoluted tubule Aldosterone has which of the following effects increases Na reabsorption and reduces K reabsorption In the renal tubules cells exchange hydrogen for NA Name the physiological functions of calcium A principal physiological function of calcium apart from its role in maintaining the skeleton is as an essential intracellular messenger in cells and tissues throughout the body Although this pool of calcium is quantitatively small the ionized calcium present in the circulatory system extracellular fluid muscle and other tissues is critical for mediating vascular contraction and vasodilatation muscle function nerve transmission and hormonal secretion Ionized calcium is the most common signal transduction element in biology owing to its ability to reversibly bind to proteins and to complex with anions such as citrate and bicarbonate What are the causes of metabolic alkalosis Metabolic alkalosis is caused by too much bicarbonate in the blood Which of the following is most likely to produce metabolic acidosis diabetes mellitus What muscle helps void the bladder The detrusor muscles contract squeeze to help push the urine from the bladder Know how fluid flows through the nephron and know the location function and description of the components of and associated with the nephron A nephron otherwise know as the uriniferous tubule is the basic structural and functional unit of our kidneys It s structure consists of a twisted tubule

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MCC BIO 201 - Respiratory system

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